Feeder hours ?


Retired 22 years
When you are on here before work, during work and after work and have no life, I guess it's "funny" to poke at others.

Our annual bid is this week. Lot of jobs have 9.5 to over 10 hours. Very few under 9 hours. I currently have a job under 9 hours but average 46-47 hours a week. Little extra work couple days a week goes a long way. If I want to skate like I did Saturday a.m. I can.

the first rule of UPS is ----NEVER let them know you are happy with your job.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
if your new to Feedahs ,,bid a cover job.
Its a very good thing for a newbie out here , you get to learn all the buildings your dept. goes to, and many cpu's (pick ups).
Then by having this knowledge ,you can look at a rte. on the bid sheet and for the most part know how much time is on it !!
some one mentioned about production and them not caring,,,,DONT BE MISLEAD !!! this aint the old feeders, everything is watched... Just do your job ,stay off the radar and you'll be fine...good luck