Feeder Schedule By Seniority


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
I'm only refering to the few of us in the feeder class..we all started same day.How does mngmt choose who goes where.
Why does it matter where you go? You just started, everywhere is going to be new to you. I didn’t even bid on routes for my first 6 months because I didn’t know one from the other.


Well-Known Member
I still have 9months to hit top rate... I got the call to go to feeders next week. I was going back and forth to go or not, and I still am not sure but I’m going for it. I’m sure I’ll be doing all the crap work but it’s better than 120-200 stops a day


cap'n crunch
Here, when 2 guys started on day 1 at the same start time, they have to put one over the other in some form or another. Might be paper, rock, scissors, Might be based on the first letter of your last name alphabetically, might be a coin toss. I've seen them all used.


KTM rider
I just did a month on a feeder route for peak. Today was my 1st day back on my bid package route. I had 185 stops and my legs are shot. I will sign the next bid for a FT feeder gig that comes up in my building. No 2 ways about it.