Frustrated black man

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
How, what should I do, should I take the risk and call corporate? I don't want any other problems? Thanks
I know people who have called or written corporate and have gotten results. I believe they would rather hear about your treatment from you rather than from the television.
I've never seen a Company hire and promote so many minorites. I don't think you have a leg to stand on. Logisticly one center maybe more stressed than another when it comes to individual bigotry. Deal with it on individual level and don't pull the race card. Going by your Avator name and the "you must be a white man" defensive posture to criticisim, look at the big picture and research this company's achievements and contributions to the minority community, before sounding off and throwing racial improprieties around.

I personally KNOW of a situation where a black employee tried to give to his community on a VOLUNTEER BASIS. He was singled out, harrassed, and given MORE work while a Caucasian employee was allowed to give to HIS community without the raising of an eye brow. The caucasian employee had 1/3 the black employee's seniority. DOES giving to one's community require the UPS stamp of approval?


Well-Known Member
I work for UPS in Addison IL, I am a recent new 22.3 combo, been with the company 5 years 3 part time. I enjoy working for an honest paycheck, I work as hard as I can, but I have been called "boy" and other disgusting names by my part time supervisors, I went above thier heads to a full time sup, he basically laughed and said thats the real world once your a combo employee now. He then proceeded to say I wouldn't last, that I was lucky to get my full time job, that once this new contract passes that no more 22.3's would be available.

I then went to my union stewart who is a pretty scary guy, he filed a greivance on employee manager realations, and no I am black balled, no pun intened. I just want to work get ahead in life and do my job without being picked on, for lack of a better word. I though about calling the corporate line but was told on the sly by a manager if I did that my black ass would be sorry....What can I do? Thanks

What I find more disturbing than you post is a PCM I heard this week.

In cold regions of the US, during the winter we sometimes expierience a phenomenon called "black ice". It generally occurs when there is snowcover. If it gets into the 40's during the day, the snow will melt and cover the roadway with water. Then at night or if a cold front moves through the water will freeze and its reffered to as "black ice" because the roadway is black and the layer of ice is so thin it can't be detected. You or your car will just come upon it and slide because its indetectable with plain sight.

Anyway, we were informed today that UPS can no longer refer to it as "black ice"! Its now "clear ice"! I want to say what I heard was a joke, but its not.

Apparently someone in the company thinks its offensive to black people that we are calling ice that looks black, black.:dead:.

What is this company(I won't blame the world because this is on UPS) coming to?

I think I would find it more offensive that my employer tippy-toes around such trivial matters as how we describe water on the ground, than to just say what it is-BLACK ICE! . To me, this is more rascist or prejudice


Well-Known Member
Before we all get our panties in a twist, I don't fully understand how someone calling you "boy" is racial discrimination? It truly is the real world out there and they are correct pointing that out!

Not sure what the beef is?

I wish Boy was the only thing that I was ever called. It may be condensending at the minimum and your feelings were hurt!

Shake it off and take it with a grain of salt!

Document it and move on!

Are we missing other words that were spoken?


Well-Known Member
I work for UPS in Addison IL, I am a recent new 22.3 combo, been with the company 5 years 3 part time. I enjoy working for an honest paycheck, I work as hard as I can, but I have been called "boy" and other disgusting names by my part time supervisors, I went above thier heads to a full time sup, he basically laughed and said thats the real world once your a combo employee now. He then proceeded to say I wouldn't last, that I was lucky to get my full time job, that once this new contract passes that no more 22.3's would be available.

I then went to my union stewart who is a pretty scary guy, he filed a greivance on employee manager realations, and no I am black balled, no pun intened. I just want to work get ahead in life and do my job without being picked on, for lack of a better word. I though about calling the corporate line but was told on the sly by a manager if I did that my black ass would be sorry....What can I do? Thanks

What I find more disturbing than your post is a PCM I heard this week.

In cold regions of the US, during the winter we sometimes expierience a phenomenon called "black ice". It generally occurs when there is snowcover. If it gets into the 40's during the day, the snow will melt and cover the roadway with water. Then at night or if a cold front moves through the water will freeze and its reffered to as "black ice" because the roadway is black and the layer of ice is so thin it can't be detected. You or your car will just come upon it and slide because its indetectable with plain sight.

Anyway, we were informed today that UPS can no longer refer to it as "black ice"! Its now "clear ice"! I want to say what I heard was a joke, but its not.

Apparently someone in the company thinks its offensive to black people that we are calling ice that looks black, black.:dead:.

What is this company(I won't blame the world because this is on UPS) coming to?

I think I would find it more offensive that my employer tippy-toes around such trivial matters as how we describe water on the ground, than to just say what it is-BLACK ICE! . To me, its more racsist or prejudice to have a PCM about calling this "clear ice" now than just leaving it alone.

It shows where UPS' mind is. They claim to be about equality for every one and then they come out with this PCM and proving they are as guilty as the next guy when its comes to racism:sick:.


Well-Known Member
I work for UPS in Addison IL, I am a recent new 22.3 combo, been with the company 5 years 3 part time. I enjoy working for an honest paycheck, I work as hard as I can, but I have been called "boy" and other disgusting names by my part time supervisors, I went above thier heads to a full time sup, he basically laughed and said thats the real world once your a combo employee now. He then proceeded to say I wouldn't last, that I was lucky to get my full time job, that once this new contract passes that no more 22.3's would be available.

I then went to my union stewart who is a pretty scary guy, he filed a greivance on employee manager realations, and no I am black balled, no pun intened. I just want to work get ahead in life and do my job without being picked on, for lack of a better word. I though about calling the corporate line but was told on the sly by a manager if I did that my black ass would be sorry....What can I do? Thanks

Barack, is that you??



Well-Known Member
I can't see where blacknproud pulled the race card at all. Seems to me it was pulled from the deck by someone else and shoved in his face. I also don't feel his username has anything to do with this.

blacknproud - you should have witnesses to this prior to calling the hotliine. You must also be completely clean of any unprofessional actions on your part. Documentation is key.

Approach anyone who has heard the comments and ask them if they remember hearing anything. If not, keep your cool and wait for an opportunity for an overheariing witness. If this bum is slamming you he'll make a mistake one day soon and do so in front of someone. If you know darned well they heard it but won't back you up, document that too.

Above all else, do your job best you can, refrain from playing any type of games and control, control yourself to the max.

I called the hotliine once and got wonderful results. Bully supervisor disappeared from the company and I can't say that it resulted in much of a bullseye on my back. I had assistance from the union rep who patiently listened to my angry ragings so I wouldn't take emotion into the meetings with management. If you don't trust your rep, take your emotion to someone you trust and let it out there. Then you'll be calm at any meetings.

Take any mistreatment episodes to your managment team in a controlled manner and document what they say and do. Keep union rep by your side. Bide your time here if you really want to nail the creep.

The hotline is made up of impartial people who simply take information. Doesn't seem they care one way or the other what's going on, they just want the facts. So have your ducks in a row and don't expect any support from them. It's not their job. But do be prepared for all hell to break loose the next day when the higher-ups start calling your center. It will happen.

btw, calling a black man "boy" is indeed racist. There is too strong a history of that term to ignore it. Black ice is black ice and is not associated with disrespect to any race. Why, oh why can't UPS use common sense?


Thanks, although rumor has it that the div manager and the labor manage have 1 foot out of the door as it is, I will keep documenting all of these incidences, once again thanks for all of your advice....


statements from witnesses?


Well-Known Member
I personally KNOW of a situation where a black employee tried to give to his community on a VOLUNTEER BASIS. He was singled out, harrassed, and given MORE work while a Caucasian employee was allowed to give to HIS community without the raising of an eye brow. The caucasian employee had 1/3 the black employee's seniority. DOES giving to one's community require the UPS stamp of approval?

I find your retort highly unlikely, that is getting harassed by UPS mnmgt for being a volunteer in one's community. Or was it because he was p***ed and gave mngmt attitude for not being granted the day off for volunteer work while someone else was. Contractually, senority in choosing a (UPS United Way) volunteer for example has no bearing in UPS's descion upon whom to choose. And, yes UPS does own the right to grant a stamp of approval as to whom they send for volunteer work that represents the Company. And once again UPS is one of the best Companies to work for on average and ratio percentage for minorities. I don't usally back the Co. in many instances, but here I will.


Well-Known Member
I find your retort highly unlikely, that is getting harassed by UPS mnmgt for being a volunteer in one's community. Or was it because he was p***ed and gave mngmt attitude for not being granted the day off for volunteer work while someone else was. Contractually, senority in choosing a (UPS United Way) volunteer for example has no bearing in UPS's descion upon whom to choose. And, yes UPS does own the right to grant a stamp of approval as to whom they send for volunteer work that represents the Company. And once again UPS is one of the best Companies to work for on average and ratio percentage for minorities. I don't usally back the Co. in many instances, but here I will.

Black, white or hispanic management or hourlies....we are all numbers, they don't give a crap about anyone but themselves, I am replaceable just as you are diesel. You screw up your gone just like me, someone hits me 1st I will hit them back, thats how I was raised, UPS found this out the hard way, now I goto work no problems at all, the troublemakers have been since transferred, I keep my notebook handy just in case.....and if need be it I will strike again, with the pen and a lawyer, I will hit them were it hurts just like the last you can stick up for the company all you want, but until you walk a day in my shoes :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2: OFF!!!

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
I agree you need to have witnesses.....In our building the whites are the's usually racial cool but sometimes you can feel likethere is some racism ...both ways...


Well-Known Member
Black, white or hispanic management or hourlies....we are all numbers, they don't give a crap about anyone but themselves, I am replaceable just as you are diesel. You screw up your gone just like me, someone hits me 1st I will hit them back, thats how I was raised, UPS found this out the hard way, now I goto work no problems at all, the troublemakers have been since transferred, I keep my notebook handy just in case.....and if need be it I will strike again, with the pen and a lawyer, I will hit them were it hurts just like the last you can stick up for the company all you want, but until you walk a day in my shoes :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2: OFF!!!

There's much anger in your posts, like a teenage boy who hates his parents and has a troubled youth. There's two sides to every story; I'm pretty sure that if you write posts like these on here consistently, then IRL you don't swoon any co-workers with your good will, either...


Well-Known Member
Black, white or hispanic management or hourlies....we are all numbers, they don't give a crap about anyone but themselves, I am replaceable just as you are diesel. You screw up your gone just like me, someone hits me 1st I will hit them back, thats how I was raised, UPS found this out the hard way, now I goto work no problems at all, the troublemakers have been since transferred, I keep my notebook handy just in case.....and if need be it I will strike again, with the pen and a lawyer, I will hit them were it hurts just like the last you can stick up for the company all you want, but until you walk a day in my shoes :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2: OFF!!!

Blacknproud you think people owe you something? Are you one of those guys who think today's white man should compensate you for slavery in the 1800's ? Let me give you a dose of reality, people don't owe you jack cause you black. You carry a chip on your shoulder and when ever somebody knocks it off you scream "racecard" or "walk a day in my shoes". There are many blacks who came to this company with alot more problems then you and have become outstanding employees and managers without going Louis Farrikan on people. Your avatar and your racial injections of your posts and to my rep proves your not black-n-proud, your black-n-angry.

BTW , Alwayspaidover&underpaid can answer for himself, I'm sure he doesn't need your ignorant *** to bud in. There was no racial overtones in that post, just truths, if you can't handle the truth that's your problem. I gotta say your response is out their in left field, makes no sense what so ever to the content of that post. I suggest you exorcise your internal demons and clean up your mouth and stop using your blackness as an excuse go off on people. If your gonna put it out there and advertise it, don't expect everybody to go easy on you or feel sorry for you. I certainly don't .
in closing UPS has a zero tolerance code when it comes to racial or sexual harassment, if you had known this from the start there would be nothing to be scared of.
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Well-Known Member
Blacknproud you think people owe you something? Are you one of those guys who think today's white man should compensate you for slavery in the 1800's ? Let me give you a dose of reality, people don't owe you jack cause you black. You carry a chip on your shoulder and when ever somebody knocks it off you scream "racecard" or "walk a day in my shoes". There are many blacks who came to this company with alot more problems then you and have become outstanding employees and managers without going Louis Farrikan on people. Your avatar and your racial injections of your posts and to my rep proves your not black-n-proud, your black-n-angry.

BTW , Alwayspaidover&underpaid can answer for himself, I'm sure he doesn't need your ignorant *** to bud in. There was no racial overtones in that post, just truths, if you can't handle the truth that's your problem. I gotta say your response is out their in left field, makes no sense what so ever to the content of that post. I suggest you exorcise your internal demons and clean up your mouth and stop using your blackness as an excuse go off on people. If your gonna put it out there and advertise it, don't expect everybody to go easy on you or feel sorry for you. I certainly don't .
in closing UPS has a zero tolerance code when it comes to racial or sexual harassment, if you had known this from the start there would be nothing to be scared of.

Wow, a post by diesel that I am in 100% agreement with. Who would have thought! Very well said!


Staff member
Wow, a post by diesel that I am in 100% agreement with. Who would have thought! Very well said!
Congratulations, you just passed your initiation!
Your membership application for the American Communist Party should be arriving shortly. It's already filled out (we've been watching you for some time now), so just sign, date and return it in the enclosed pre-paid envelope. Welcome aboard :happy-very:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Wow this thread has gotten awfully ugly.
I must say I use the word boy quite often, having had two of them. I have used it at work to the younger drivers. And I occasionally have been known to call my husband that.
Im not going to start worrying over every word I say, when I dont use it in a derragatory way.
If it was meant to annoy, it worked, but maybe its just the way someone talks. I think most of the black males in my building would not think a thing of it. They worry about the same things I do, and have put this crap behind them. I agree with paidslave, I wish that was the worst thing I was ever called.
I used to get much abuse, from men when I started, mostly on the road, never in the building. Like "here honey, let me take that it looks heavy" and as I hand it to him and he cant handle it, and see him struggle, I just give him a wink and a nod, say thanks bud, and drive away, just like Santa.
Or why are you taking a mans job, dont you know they have families to feed. Or my favorite, yup every company has to hire them. You make a conscious decision, to tell them off, or laugh and walk away. Idiots will never come to your way of thinking. And besides if everyone was as perfect as you or I how boring would the workd be. Its not worth the stress, what it does to your bp, or to your attitude. Lifes short, shrug off the crap, and remember. The best revenge is doing well.


Well-Known Member
You know sometimes people just don't get along with one another, but at UPS we have to be mindful of our actions and language.

I once had a situation where my Supervisor of Color (black) got into a confrontation with a White Supervisor and used the forbidden N-word toward the White Supervisor. Guess who got in trouble?
My black supervisor for using inappropiate language at the work place.

Now this was new for me, to discipline a black supervisor for using the N-word at work. I was somewhat naive to the fact that the N-word was acceptable in the black community. And we also had a lenghthy conversation on professionalism.

Neither of these two stellar supervisors work at UPS. One quit and the other got fired, as it was just a matter of time for both of them.

So if you are continually called "boy" at work and you find it offensive, you owe to yourself, co workers and UPS management to let them know of your issue.

If other employees of another race are called "boy" as well, then it may just be a matter of sitting the supervisor down and addressing professionalism at UPS.