Gang of "Misunderstood youths" attack a girl at Mcdonald's


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I must have touched a nerve with that one lol. No hate, just fact. The tea party is no longer grass roots, it's AstroTurf, and the core of it's message has been cut out. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.
I love the TEA PARTY because of how much just mentioning the name TEA PARTY drives liberals bat S#!+ crazy.


Inordinately Right
I love the TEA PARTY because of how much just mentioning the name TEA PARTY drives liberals bat S#!+ crazy.
I loved the tea party movement, back when you were supporting the failure that was a McCain/Palin ticket.
The Republicans had a real chance to turn their party around, they passed on it and chose to to portray Dr. Paul as a crazy old man. What they couldn't understand was that Obama wasn't running a campaign against McCain, he was running against the policies of the Bush administrations. They caught on after they lost, and it didn't take long before what was a grass roots movement had been bought up and stripped of any meaning.

Now here you are 7 years too late to the party buying up the AstroTurf they've packaged for you. I choose to laugh about it now, but it's sad really. You missed the boat buddy, move on.


Well-Known Member
I loved the tea party movement, back when you were supporting the failure that was a McCain/Palin ticket.
The Republicans had a real chance to turn their party around, they passed on it and chose to to portray Dr. Paul as a crazy old man. What they couldn't understand was that Obama wasn't running a campaign against McCain, he was running against the policies of the Bush administrations. They caught on after they lost, and it didn't take long before what was a grass roots movement had been bought up and stripped of any meaning.

Now here you are 7 years too late to the party buying up the AstroTurf they've packaged for you. I choose to laugh about it now, but it's sad really. You missed the boat buddy, move on.

You might enjoy reading this about Trevor Leech and Keli Carender aka Liberty Belle. Even most Tea Party loyalists have no clue who they are.


Inordinately Right
You might enjoy reading this about Trevor Leech and Keli Carender aka Liberty Belle. Even most Tea Party loyalists have no clue who they are.
Interesting. I hadn't even heard of them, but I do remember Santelli's speech on the floor of the stock exchange blowing up on youtube. Of course Santelli was a fan of Ron Paul because he would bust Bernanke's balls relentlessly at Federal Reserve hearings.
I like to think the tea party started with Dr. Paul's tea party money bomb in 2007, which I personally donated to, even though I was still working for Fed Ex back then and was broke as all hell. I guess it doesn't really matter where it started. The issue now is who's backing them, and what they want in return.


Staff member
This is the difference to how the black race feels about America now versus 50 years ago.

50 years ago, they loved the United States.

Now they feel oppressed.

They have no idea what oppressed really is.
View attachment 31662


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I loved the tea party movement, back when you were supporting the failure that was a McCain/Palin ticket.
The Republicans had a real chance to turn their party around, they passed on it and chose to to portray Dr. Paul as a crazy old man. What they couldn't understand was that Obama wasn't running a campaign against McCain, he was running against the policies of the Bush administrations. They caught on after they lost, and it didn't take long before what was a grass roots movement had been bought up and stripped of any meaning.

Now here you are 7 years too late to the party buying up the AstroTurf they've packaged for you. I choose to laugh about it now, but it's sad really. You missed the boat buddy, move on.
I love it when the leftist Dems try to tell Republicans how to run their party. And tell them what they did wrong. It would be funny, if not for being so utterly pathetic.

The only thing wrong with the Republicans is there are RHINOS masquerading as Republicans in their party's leadership and general membership. They need to weed them all out. No Democrats in the Republican Party.


Inordinately Right
I love it when the leftist Dems try to tell Republicans how to run their party. And tell them what they did wrong. It would be funny, if not for being so utterly pathetic.

The only thing wrong with the Republicans is there are RHINOS masquerading as Republicans in their party's leadership and general membership. They need to weed them all out. No Democrats in the Republican Party.
There's your sickness rearing it's head again, anyone who disagrees with you is a leftist commie lol.

You complain about the RINOS, but be honest, you'll keep voting for them as long as you think they have a chance of beating those "leftists" you've been trained to hate. You're not alone, and they know that, which is why the republican party is a lost cause.
If you ever decide you actually want limited government, come on over to the libertarian party, we'll be waiting... but not holding our breath.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I hadn't even heard of them, but I do remember Santelli's speech on the floor of the stock exchange blowing up on youtube. Of course Santelli was a fan of Ron Paul because he would bust Bernanke's balls relentlessly at Federal Reserve hearings.
I like to think the tea party started with Dr. Paul's tea party money bomb in 2007, which I personally donated to, even though I was still working for Fed Ex back then and was broke as all hell. I guess it doesn't really matter where it started. The issue now is who's backing them, and what they want in return.

Out of all the commentators, it was Jon Stewart who credited Ron Paul as starting the Tea Party movement (indirectly speaking) and I think Jon equally knew it was all hijacked just as the Occupy movement started out as one thing and was hijacked and turned into something else. The original Tea Party blamed Washington but it also knew there was a crony capitalism at work which sat on its throne on Wall Street. Occupy knew the same players but thought that Wall Street sat in the first position. Either way both were right and together they were thunder and lightning.

Regardless which position, with both being right, the danger was that the American public through a bipartisan message could begin to wake up. There was no wall papering over what the GOP was but Obama for a time did so for the democrats. But that time may well have now come and gone. In that sense Obama historically may prove to be the best President America could elect for his time just as Bush was for his but not for the reasoning the blind partisans for both would think.

Even as we speak more Americans are waking up and abandoning narratives that are key to the continuation of both dominate political powers. Where this goes is unknown but at least we're taking the shot.


Inordinately Right
Out of all the commentators, it was Jon Stewart who credited Ron Paul as starting the Tea Party movement (indirectly speaking) and I think Jon equally knew it was all hijacked just as the Occupy movement started out as one thing and was hijacked and turned into something else. The original Tea Party blamed Washington but it also knew there was a crony capitalism at work which sat on its throne on Wall Street. Occupy knew the same players but thought that Wall Street sat in the first position. Either way both were right and together they were thunder and lightning.

Regardless which position, with both being right, the danger was that the American public through a bipartisan message could begin to wake up. There was no wall papering over what the GOP was but Obama for a time did so for the democrats. But that time may well have now come and gone. In that sense Obama historically may prove to be the best President America could elect for his time just as Bush was for his but not for the reasoning the blind partisans for both would think.

Even as we speak more Americans are waking up and abandoning narratives that are key to the continuation of both dominate political powers. Where this goes is unknown but at least we're taking the shot.
Coincidentally, before Paul's tea party anniversary money bomb, he raised 4 million with a Guy Fawkes day fundraiser. The Guy Fawkes mask of course later becoming synonymous with Occupy Wall Street, although that might have more to do with the hacktivist collective Anonymous. The two movements did have big similarities, and made for a really interesting time, especially in combination with the Arab Spring.

I worry a lot of that enthusiasm has been been lost, but none the less, I do think Obama is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party in a long time. The same might go for the Democratic Party, as in general his policies have stayed pretty much in line with GW's. Neither party seems very happy with their leadership, and that makes for an interesting field to play on. After all it couldn't get any worse right? Knock on wood.


golden ticket member
The lesson here is don't go to McDonalds !! You will either get beat up or poisoning is an option too.


Well-Known Troll
The lesson here is don't go to McDonalds !! You will either get beat up or poisoning is an option too.

I don't know, their sausage and egg biscuits are my joint! I'd eat them for breakfast everyday, but I don't want to weigh 300 pounds, so I only indulge every so often


Well-Known Member
The only thing that he has posted that you agree with, and it's fake.

That sign doesn't exist.

It's been put in by a computer.

And P.S. how many American Flags do you see in that picture?

If it doesn't meet and confirm your bias, its discounted, discredited and discarded.

If a picture from Selma was produced showing a treasure trove of US Flags, would you claim photo shop as well? If flags are so damn important and mean so much, why are there no US Flags on display in one of the wings of Washington Hall at the US Military Academy? I see the same number of flags here as are present in the photo of Obama crossing the bridge in Selma.




golden ticket member
I don't know, their sausage and egg biscuits are my joint! I'd eat them for breakfast everyday, but I don't want to weigh 300 pounds, so I only indulge every so often
Carls Jr has the Hardee's biscuits with the breakfast stuff ( sausage, egg, cheese, bacon, anything you want) and they are tasty.. Biscuits made on premises fresh every morning.


Well-Known Troll
Carls Jr has the Hardee's biscuits with the breakfast stuff ( sausage, egg, cheese, bacon, anything you want) and they are tasty.. Biscuits made on premises fresh every morning.

Haven't had a Hardees breakfast sandwich in about 20 years, maybe I'll have to look into it. There's one a few minutes from my house


Strength through joy
A teenage brute delivered a savage beatdown while bystanders recorded the whole ugly episode and wasted little time posting the footage online, where it spread like a plague.

The disturbing video of the vile incident in Indianapolis, which surfaced early Sunday on, was eerily reminiscent of the beatdown caught on camera last week in a Brooklyn McDonald’s.

“What did I do? What did I do!” the victim screams and cries as her attacker punches and throws her to the ground in the disturbing two-minute clip, viewed more than a million times in its first day online. “Stop, please stop!”

The assault begins with several punches to the face and head as the victim falls to the ground, screaming, where she’s kicked in the head by the attacker. As the girl cowers and tries to cover herself from the blows, the attacker grabs the girl by the hair, dragging and punching her with brute force.

No one does anything to break it up, but bystanders can be heard cackling and cheering on the attacker.

At one point, the attacker slams the girl’s head onto a concrete path, then grabs her by the hair and kicks her in the head before a young man standing nearby grabs the girl and holds her back.

The crying, injured girl is finally able to get up and begins to walk away with her little brother, who appears to be 5 or 6 years old.

That’s when the relentless attacker runs back into the frame and blindsides her victim, tossing her to the ground and begins again punching and stomping away .
The girl’s little brother tries to stop the fight and swings at the girl, who grabs him by the neck with both hands and throws him onto a cement path. The disturbing clip finally comes to an end as the crying girl corrals hers brother and walks off.

“Young, did you get that part?” a giddy boy is heard asking the girl behind the camera.

“Yeah!” she replies gleefully.


Well-Known Troll
^^^^^ It sure is a nice trend that these folks have going. Hey "Reverend" Al, anything to say about this one? Probably not, since it wasn't a white person on the strong side.

Bunch of chicken s punks. Can't fight 1 on 1, we'll do it in a pack, like a bunch of animals


Strength through joy
^^^^^ It sure is a nice trend that these folks have going. Hey "Reverend" Al, anything to say about this one? Probably not, since it wasn't a white person on the strong side.

Bunch of chicken s punks. Can't fight 1 on 1, we'll do it in a pack, like a bunch of animals
The fact that they filmed the attack to post online really shows their stupidity .