Getting sent home first

You completely missed the point.

I do not disagree with you, as I have taken that option to NOT work also and management went by seniority also. That is fine.

But the CONTRACT says nothing about NOT working by seniority, therefore it is UPS's discretion WHO they ask to go home by seniority. You cannot argue that.

You cannot file a grievance because UPS asked someone with less seniority to go home before they asked you, for ex

I`m not trying to argue with you either. That said from the time I have been with the company,24 years, higher seniority people regardless of their social status with mgmt have exercised there seniority to stay or leave before junior people. It is not UPS` discretion,it is by seniority. Every work group has a seniority list and when they need to cut hours they go down the list. Now most sups are aware of who in their group want OT and who does not and they dont necessarily ask everyone but will go to he highest people first. If someone wants a short day they will let the sup know also. Most of the time,throughout the seniority list,they will find enough people to go but if push comes to shove seniority prevails,no exceptions.
And yes I myself as have others have filed for mgmt not following seniority for both instances,staying and going.
Usually this is when some one new in mgmt thinks they can pick and choose who to keep and to send home. The stewards have always handle the grievances locally and the company complies. Its been years since I`ve had to file as most of our mgmt team have been around for awhile. Most of the time their is no need,if some one junior is staying or leaving all a senior person has to do is point it out and that person will then also stay or go with the junior person.

Think of it this way. You pick job bids,by seniority. Vacations,by seniority. Unpaid days off,by seniority. To stay and work OT,by seniority. So why in the choice of leaving you give up your seniority? Like I said maybe they don`t do it by you,they should. But it has always been done here,everyday.


This is from the Atlantic Area supplement:
"Seniority, as measured by length of continuous service with the Company, shall prevail at all times."

That covers any situation not specifically spelled out in the contract, including who gets to go home first. Like Cach said, it's a simple concept.

Up here seniority prevails only with the right to the work. If you filed a grievance for not being asked to go home first in seniority order, you'd be laughed at by both union and company. I am not arguing that seniority SHOULD prevail, because it definitly should. I would also say that concept is hardly enforced on both sides, on all issues, at least here. Have not been around 705 or mid-atlantic areas so I should not be generally speaking about it.
I can`t see how your local doesn`t recognize it. People talk of the importance of the need to get off early for kids ballgames and such yet in this case they don`t enforce their seniority to have an early day. I can see where it would be difficult to do in package as it would have to be done in the morning before the routes went out. In feeder since we run 24 hours its easier to manage as with hub work where everyones in one area.


Well-Known Member
But the CONTRACT says nothing about NOT working by seniority, therefore it is UPS's discretion WHO they ask to go home by seniority.
things is a bit different down here.
Southern Region, Art. 64 "When time off is available it shall be offered in seniority order by classification as long as it does not result to economic cost to the Employer."


things is a bit different down here.
Southern Region, Art. 64 "When time off is available it shall be offered in seniority order by classification as long as it does not result to economic cost to the Employer."

Sure, your supplement, I was speaking of the master agreement so as to not taking my quote out of context.

Also, note the qualifier at the end of that language. That can basically be used at any time in any way to negate it.