Gov. Newsom, how the twins feelin down there?


Well-Known Member
A nice kick in the nuts, I'm glad sane people are starting to understand how to deal with these nuts.
The only santified way a preacher can throw up the middle finger to tyrants.
Whomever enjoys, enjoy.
To the rest, well I've got a middle finger for you as well.

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He'll be crying to the feds in a few months for some sort of bailout since California has a budget shortfall approaching the billions this year. Somehow though, he has time to shut down churches and give millions in relief aid to undocumented immigrants.


Well-Known Member


I'm a star
States aren't going broke because of the pandemic. They are going broke because they spend way too much money, and they made the insane decision to shutdown businesses, kill jobs and increase their unemployment liabilities. It's really not that hard to piece it all together.