I know of a railyard that shut down which created about 50-60 feeder jobs in a nearby state. It's my understanding that a railyard in a neighboring state to the west may shut down also which would, again, create many feeder jobs in that area. This is being done because, as you say, to speed up our transit times to compete with other shipping companies.
The rumor that stated this thread was that a facility in Chicago is shutting down a big feeder dept. Again, I ask, who is pulling those loads?
An even bigger question is: as nationwide as BrownCafe is, and I truly applaud
Cheryl for her efforts, why hasn't someone knowledgeable in the Chicago area posted to this effect and, the feeder grapevine being what it is, why haven't other feeder drivers in nearby states heard of this? News of this nature would travel fast.
I don't think the company would benefit from closing down a large feeder dept. simply for the logistic nightmare it would cause as well as Chicago being a union stronghold that would raise nine kinds of hell.