Here It Comes


Well-Known Member
LTFedExer. do you think with this latest policy change things might just be a little rigged? A smidge? Maybe? Hello?
Did you see my post about the policy not being final? Legal sent the managers an email, basically saying, before any accident gets 'written up', they need to check with legal first. To me that means there might/should be a revision. But, the revised policy won't affect 90% of the couriers. Would you want someone who has that many accidents/tickets in 1,3,5/whatever years working for you? Ask bbsam if one of his couriers has 2-3 accidents in 1 year, what would he do?
Give me an address, and I'll send you a copy of what I'm sending out. It may go nowhere, but it's worth a try. FedEx can only say they told you to be "safe" to a point, and they've gone far beyond that. They knowingly send people on the road setup to fail regarding safety. You know, I know it, and so does the corporation. It's all about the money, and they could give a rat's ass if anyone gets harmed.
Since when is setting up couriers to fail new? It's been that way since I started. All you do is play their game. If you can't make service at the numbers they set, you request a check ride and get the numbers changed. Our manager tells us EVERY DAY to go out 2 over. The main reason being most couriers can't count right anyway. I don't go out over what our sheets say. IF I CAN, I will take more. Being a bulk route, for me it comes down to piece count, not stop count.


Well-Known Member
Did you see my post about the policy not being final? Legal sent the managers an email, basically saying, before any accident gets 'written up', they need to check with legal first. To me that means there might/should be a revision. But, the revised policy won't affect 90% of the couriers. Would you want someone who has that many accidents/tickets in 1,3,5/whatever years working for you? Ask bbsam if one of his couriers has 2-3 accidents in 1 year, what would he do?

Think about it. Even a courier with a good driving record can suddenly get an occurrence. There's 3 years of reduced raises with the warning letter. And for that length of time it's possible to get another one. 3 years beyond that point. Some couriers can go 20+ years without so much as a ding. Most don't. FedEx can now reduce your raise and tell you that you only have yourself to blame. I'm in a rt where I probably will be ok. But many couriers are in heavy rts in busy urban areas. New couriers especially are trying to remember everything and are scrambling to make service. Very likely to get into accident. Doesn't take much to run up $1000 in damages so there's 5 years of reduced raises. And raises were already reduced this year from what they were before the financial crisis. You're looking at the smoke and mirrors of so many occurrences/accidents/moving violations in a given period. See past that. I hope when that day comes that when you lose focus for just a second while trying to make service, and strike something you didn't see while backing into a dock, that you realize that you just cost yourself several thousand dollars over the next 5 years. And if after 4 more years you get into another scrape you are going to extend it to a total of 9 years of reduced raises. With the potential of it happening again. So now if you do everything perfect you can get only 4.5% if you are mid-range. Have an occurrence, get the flu, clock in a minute late a couple of times, and it won't matter how dedicated you are, how hard you work, you are getting a small raise. And you have no one to blame but yourself.

Mr. 7

The monkey on the left.
I was cut-off on the highway by a speeding FedEx Express today, I was around 65 maybe 70 tops, he was near 80mph. One of those sprinter type vans, not sure what you call it. Is this what you mean by coerced into reckless driving and speeding as a result of FedEx coercing individuals into doing the job the wrong way?
I doubt that driver was speeding to make a dentist appointment.

Give me an address, and I'll send you a copy of what I'm sending out.
I'd love a copy of this. PM sent.

I don't doubt you were cut off by Fedex sprinter, but Fedex sprinters are governed at 68 mph max. Very frustrating to drive because while speed limit here is 70, I can't pass anyone on the highway due to the governor, though Fedex corporate speed limit is 65!!!!
Don't tell anyone I told you this but I've buried the needle in my Grumman 700 twice on the highway going down hill. Maybe my vintage 1997 Grumman doesn't have a governor, I don't know. This was back when I was a rookie and I was all rah, rah, purple promise, gotta get these P1s off in time.


Well-Known Member
Actually, it might have something to do with the FedEx and their CSA score, which supposedly isn't very good. Good try with the "crappy, reckless, unsafe individual" bit, but it won't fly here. Sure, there are some reckless people, but IMO, if you see someone speeding or otherwise being unsafe, it's a result of being pushed to do too much in too little time. Express has multiple hard deadlines for service, unlike Ground, which only has to deliver on the right day.

This will eventually result in a huge lawsuit, and FedEx will pay big money when one of our couriers gets in a really bad accident that kills enough people to make headlines. Like the Domino's scandal a few years ago, FedEx will finally have to stop forcing it's drivers to break the law just to keep their jobs. Sooner or later, the national media will pickup on this fact, and it's unfortunate that someone is going to have to pay the ultimate price to bring FedEx into compliance.

I'm working on a letter to 60 Minutes, a copy of which will be sent to other media outlets as well, which outlines this issue. A copy of the letter will also be sent to each state DOT, and to the Federal Highway Safety Administration. FedEx is a big advertiser, but hopefully, I'll be able to get enough interest to generate a media investigation into Express employer practices. A governmental investigation would also be quite revealing.

Get that checkbook ready Fred, because you're going to be paying some big fines.

I would be happy to add my contact information to any letter or communication sent to 60 minutes. If you would like to add me let me know. I do have reams of information reinforcing your stand on this.
I complained to OSHA years ago about some serious safety issues in my station and FedEx did a temporary band aid fix and these dangerous conditions still exist there today despite FedEx paying a fine and vowing compliance.
I would go on camera Tonight to expose FedEx's total disregard for public safety and their war on the career courier. If you need me to also email 60 minutes to support you let me know, Thanks for your efforts, I really appreciate it.


Staff member
I must admit, I am looking forward to seeing this on 60 minutes though I give it no chance in hell in getting any play whatsoever. If you want a working conditions story, you better be from a Third World country or have proof of conditions akin to Upton Sinclair's in "The Jungle". :peaceful:


Well-Known Member
"This is what happens when you don't have a union."

Do you read the rest of this site? To me it seems it's happening and has nothing to do with a union or not. The upper-class management of all corporations are making a major play on the working class right now.


Engorged Member
"This is what happens when you don't have a union."

Do you read the rest of this site? To me it seems it's happening and has nothing to do with a union or not. The upper-class management of all corporations are making a major play on the working class right now.

That's certainly true, but not having a union makes employees much more vulnerable.


Engorged Member
More accurately a sense of entitlement.

bbsam has a vested interest in keeping a union out. That way he can pay less, just like Fred. Your sense of "entitlement" provides you with a much better standard of living and at least a modicum of control over what management does. We have zero power against Smith other than a work stoppage, for which he could fire us at will. Be glad you've got at least some control over your career destiny.


Well-Known Member
i am really happy to see you do this! did you ever think of contacting the local, county, or state police and let them know what is going on aNd Ask them to staRt pulling the violators over? The driver is responsible and if he gets ticketed mAYbe every driver will start to drive in a safe manner!
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Well-Known Member
At least if one of your guys gets dragged into a mgrs. office to give your side of some complaint, you've got someone else on your side. We have nobody.

There is no question that we have a greater degree of security that you guys do; however, you would be floored at the sense of entitlement, especially among some of the younger employees.