Hoffa on self driving trucks


Well-Known Member
You're right. That IS the most important question. But you pose this as though the only concern is jobs. What if you knew that humans behind the wheel of motor vehicles are on pace to kill 37,000 people this year in the US alone, and vehicular deaths are going UP this year vs. previous years..

The mistake I think most people make, is they're totally fine with 40,000 people a year dying in cars due to human error, but they can't tolerate a SINGLE fatality in an autonomous vehicle.

You bring up all the modalities of electronic failure. But you minimize the fact that humans get fatigued, high, drunk, inattentive, angry, distracted, etc. and cause mayhem that way, and autonomous vehicles won't.

There are only a handful of driver less vehicles out there and there have been at least two deaths.

Software glitches. A sensor goes out on a driverless car and suddenly doesnt see the stop sign up ahead.


Well-Known Member
As you say, humans are flawed. Right now, the biggest danger to a Tesla Model S driving on autopilot is the human driving the other vehicle that is unpredictable. The hardest thing according to the experts in developing self driving software is the unpredictability of humans.


And there will always be unpredictable factors on the road that an auto pilot would be unable to figure out. Black ice, pedestrians on a blind corner out of an alleyway, people skateboarding in the street, dogs running wild, mud, pedestrian path or driveway?, and a wide variety of others.


Well-Known Member
These stats may be true, but if you lose a loved one due to a self driving vehicle failure are you going to lean on these stats as a means of comfort?
If, God forbid, you lose a loved one because the driver behind was texting, drunk, or sleepy, which is *MORE* likely, will you wish an automated system had braked the vehicle?


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is Hoffa never said self driving vehicles aren't going to happen, he said it's not going to put current union drivers out of a job. I agree with him.
I agree with that. Current union drivers are probably fine. In a decade or so, they just might not be replaced as they retire. Blacksmiths didn't all get fired at once either.


Inordinately Right
Planes aren't killing 37,000 Americans a year.
Traffic Deaths In 2015 Climb By Largest Increase In Decades

Yes, they are [npr.org]. Or, more specifically, human driven vehicles are. And traffic deaths in the US have increased in 2015 and 2016 so far. I suppose you think you see a nuanced point in all that carnage that I don't?
Hoffa said drivers aren't going to lose their jobs because of self driving cars. That's a fact, whether the industry adopts the self driving model or not. Hence my comparison to autopilot in airplanes. TTKU.

I agree with that. Current union drivers are probably fine. In a decade or so, they just might not be replaced as they retire. Blacksmiths didn't all get fired at once either.
Autopilot has been around a long time, how long til pilots are out of a job?


Inordinately Right
Traffic Deaths In 2015 Climb By Largest Increase In Decades

Yes, they are [npr.org]. Or, more specifically, human driven vehicles are. And traffic deaths in the US have increased in 2015 and 2016 so far. I suppose you think you see a nuanced point in all that carnage that I don't?

The National Transportation Safety Board (2006) reports 1.3 deaths per hundred million vehicle miles for travel by car, and 1.7 deaths per hundred million vehicle miles for travel by air.


Well-Known Member
Hoffa said drivers aren't going to lose their jobs because of self driving cars. That's a fact, whether the industry adopts the self driving model or not. Hence my comparison to autopilot in airplanes. TTKU.

Autopilot has been around a long time, how long til pilots are out of a job?
Planes don't kill thousands of people every year. See, what will happen is, as cars acquire more auto features, insurance companies will rate them differently, and people will buy them to save on insurance. it will happen a little every year, until, you look back 20 years later, and say wow.


Inordinately Right
Planes don't kill thousands of people every year. See, what will happen is, as cars acquire more auto features, insurance companies will rate them differently, and people will buy them to save on insurance. it will happen a little every year, until, you look back 20 years later, and say wow.
Having self driving cars is going to make my job a lot easier, no doubt about that. Half the people on the road shouldn't be driving anyways.


Well-Known Member
You talk as though safety is the main reason self driving cars are here. Big companies don't care about the safety of people. The only reason self driving cars exsist is to eliminate jobs period the end. They just have to sell the safety aspect. And they have you hooked like a fool. The government nor large companies do not care about human deaths. Do you think freightliner cares if 40,000 people a year die in car accidents or do you think they care about selling 4 million self driving trucks to big companies who are itching to eliminate their work force. "Safety" is smoke in mirrors to get the public to eat it up.
That's EXACTLY what a corporation will do, they say so in their charter. The purpose of a corporation is to return max profits to owners. They're up front about that. I don't know why you think others might be unaware of that fact.


Well-Known Member
Did you read that closely or just post the headline? The "autopilot" in this case were the two knobs in the cockpit that set direction and altitude. They're not any smarter than cruise control. The autopilot in that A300 was not designed to fly the plane autonomously without the airport being properly equipped. It wasn't. Tragically, the PILOTS forgot protocol into BHM for some reason and FORGOT to disengage it. Ultimately, it was human error, the same as if a driver drove a car into a bridge abutment with the cruise control set to 40.


Inordinately Right
Did you read that closely or just post the headline? The "autopilot" in this case were the two knobs in the cockpit that set direction and altitude. They're not any smarter than cruise control. The autopilot in that A300 was not designed to fly the plane autonomously without the airport being properly equipped. It wasn't. Tragically, the PILOTS forgot protocol into BHM for some reason and FORGOT to disengage it. Ultimately, it was human error, the same as if a driver drove a car into a bridge abutment with the cruise control set to 40.
Unless every single car on the road is self driving, the system will be screwed up.

Do you know how many years the average car is on the road before being destroyed? Not to mention, freedom, and murica. I don't care how convenient and safe self driving cars are, people are still going to want to DRIVE. Because it's fun. The gubment ain't gonna be able to take that away.

Ya, I think my job is safe.
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Well-Known Member
Unless every single car on the road is self driving, it will screw everything up.....

Do you know how many years the average car is on the road before being destroyed? Not to mention, freedom, and murica. I don't care how convenient and safe self driving cars are, people are still going to want to DRIVE. Because it's fun. The gubment ain't gonna be able to take that away.

Ya, I think my job is safe.
Yours is. I don't think the generation after will be able to make a career in driving.