Homeowner pulls gun on UPS driver delivery woman


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Homeowner pulls gun on UPS driver delivery woman - WGN 9

If you've ordered a lot of stuff online this holiday season, you may have noticed some of it being delivered by people in unmarked vehicles. That concerned a resident in North Carolina.

Nile Price does seasonal deliveries for UPS and drives her own car. Last Saturday, she stopped by a home to deliver a package. Wearing her UPS uniform, she identified herself to the resident. It didn’t convince the homeowner as the resident pointed a gun at her.

"I asked him why would he pointed a rifle, and he said 'Well we don't know who you are,'" Price said.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Where I am in the south, it's not unheard of for fully uniformed black UPS drivers with UPS trucks to deliver to rural locations at which the customers come out holding a gun. As a white guy I have absolutely zero problems at the same stops. No guns pulled on me. It may sound crazy to some, but it's the truth. This story isn't surprising to me at all.


Well-Known Member
"I asked him why would he pointed a rifle, and he said 'Well we don't know who you are,'" Price said.

Oh...ok. It all makes sense now lol
I want to know if this led to the discovery of a meth lab?


Retired 23 years
It happens. Especially delivering at night. At the very least home owners will let the dogs out.

Dollar Chasing

Well-Known Member
I’ve had multiple people come to the door with a gun pulled. Black and white people. Rural and city. Doesn’t really matter who they are, some people just don’t like unexpected visitors at the door, and sometimes we’re mistaken for them.

Since this was a PVD driver, I’m surprised even less.