How can I DQ (if possible)


Never bought my own handtruck
You need to become extremely friendly with you family doctor. You need to develop a medical condition that prevents you from driving, but not working at UPS. Something with your feet usually works around here. Maybe flat footed. I think you’ve become flat footed bro. Or maybe try vertigo? Do some research with your BA first.


Got the T-Shirt
You made a decision, you bid the job, you got the job.
Why in the world do you think you should be able to get out of it?

4 1/2 years later.

All said file a grievance.

I did this. Company responded with "no contract violation" and it went to panel, and returned the same results.

Sorry to say.... the company's position and the Panel decision are correct.

Talked to a different Union representative from another state, and he said I could disqualify myself... Is this possible?


The only thing I've seen the company allow a driver to do, is honor a request to be

taken off a bid route and return to being a miscellaneous non-bid driver.

Reason being.... she was a female that had been assaulted in the hood.

Now she is an OMS.
