Yeah. It's a long story - kids, closest person we trust to baby sit about 45 inutes away - and the local baby sitting facility charges about $160 for only 3 days a week, my wife has to be at work at 9AM (and she's hourly with a 10 minute commute and I have a 20-25 minute commute), her weekly premiums for basic family medical is about $150/week (no dental, vision), and she doesn't usually get over time (except certain times of the year)etc... so yes, there are tons of factors.....
And the time issue was never a problem before. Our center hours used to be from 4-8/8:30AM. And just about everyone on my belt was done at about 8:30. But over the last couple of months, our start time has changed to about 4:30/5AM... thereby changing our ending times. And my old supe had no problems letting me leave at 8:30AM, but again, with the other supe coming over, even temporarily, he's being a d--k about everything. The business center wants me to take over the supe job at the primary belt instead of the d--khead. And although this late start time is temporary due to lower volume during the summer (we are near several universities that ship a lot), it's suppose to go back during fall.
And I am in no means in a rush to become mgmt, I'm trying to keep my family's best interests in mind. If I can get mgmt to assure me before I take the position, then they cannot assume anything, knowing well in advance of my time constraints... The problem is, can't trust anyone there....but got no choice but to try and work with what we've got and given..... any thoughts?