I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


You're going to have civil unrest because the eventually the haves will no longer be able to support the have nots.

Instead of getting a job the have nots (you) will riot and loot and take what they want.

The government already has plans in place to deal with this.
the government certainly does its called indefinite detention with no trial LOL. the military will just come in and take protestors off the streets and hold them in a cell like gitmo.

no what happened is the capitalists outsourced alot of the good paying jobs to 3rd world dictatorships where they pay the workers 50 cents an hour. on top of that, the banksters are also causing chaos with their speculation.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
the government certainly does its called indefinite detention with no trial LOL. the military will just come in and take protestors off the streets and hold them in a cell like gitmo.

no what happened is the capitalists outsourced alot of the good paying jobs to 3rd world dictatorships where they pay the workers 50 cents an hour. on top of that, the banksters are also causing chaos with their speculation.

Americans outsourced their own jobs by Always buying the cheapest thing.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
consumers arent the ones making those decisions. its the board of directors or the capitalist.

low regulations, low wages in the 3rd world. can't beat it from a capitalist point of view.
Consumers make those choices with their pocket books every day.

If the BOD moved production overseas and suddenly no one bought their product they'd either go under or have to move production back.


Consumers make those choices with their pocket books every day.

If the BOD moved production overseas and suddenly no one bought their product they'd either go under or have to move production back.
consumers arent the only ones making decisions. and they aren't the ones who actually decide. they just influence the capitalist.


And now you're backpedaling how cute.
so if i as a consumer buy something from a slave master, am I the one who chose to make somebody a slave? or did I just encourage it?

encouraging the outsourcing of jobs, and actually having the power to outsource a job are 2 separate things.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
so if i as a consumer buy something from a slave master, am I the one who chose to make somebody a slave? or did I just encourage it?

encouraging the outsourcing of jobs, and actually having the power to outsource a job are 2 separate things.
Every business transaction takes two parties. Both parties holding equal power.


should upser's who worked their but off over the course of many years to become part of that 10 percent feel guilty?
depends on which UPSERS your talking about.

not the drivers. theyre getting ripped off if anything.

but certainly the boards of directors and the ones who own most of the company.

anyways an economic system which so poorly distributes resources should be critiqued


at least you now concede they do make that decision. Consumer demand creates employment.
no he certainly right in the sense that they influence what decisions the capitalists make. but like i said influencing and having the power to decide are 2 different things.

this is capitalism, not some worker controlled economy.