I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


adjusted for inflation:

the bottom 90% of american workers $5 more per month than they did as in 1968. David Cay Johnston equates this to 1 inch and then relative to that measurement:

the top 10% earn 160 feet more than they did in 1968.
the top 1% earn 884 feet more than they did in 1968.
the 0.1% earn 5 miles more than they did in 1968.

so really all the income earnings growth have gone to the 0.1%

he also said the bottom 90% pay the same taxes as they did in 1966.
top 10% pay 60% less taxes than they did in 1966.


Well-Known Member
adjusted for inflation:

the bottom 90% of american workers $5 more per month than they did as in 1968. David Cay Johnston equates this to 1 inch and then relative to that measurement:

the top 10% earn 160 feet more than they did in 1968.
the top 1% earn 884 feet more than they did in 1968.
the 0.1% earn 5 miles more than they did in 1968.

so really all the income earnings growth have gone to the 0.1%

he also said the bottom 90% pay the same taxes as they did in 1966.
top 10% pay 60% less taxes than they did in 1966.

You're just confusing the Trump supporters with numbers, come on now.


ive heard this before. david cay johnston describes the american economic system as Niagara falls in reverse from the poor to the rich. and this is without him mentioning how capitalism exploits workers.


Well-Known Member
America is approaching a decade of free money. Were we supposed to doing it this long, Or has it been influenced and supported by our current leadership?
Free money only helps the well off with record profits, and the motivated with access to support their dreams. While the poor are stagnate.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
America is approaching a decade of free money. Were we supposed to doing it this long, Or has it been influenced and supported by our current leadership?
Free money only helps the well off with record profits, and the motivated with access to support their dreams. While the poor are stagnate.

It only helps out the motivated. Lmao


Strength through joy
Get ready for negative interest rates .
This is when you put money aside for savings and the banks charge you for doing so .
The real goal is to stimulate the economy by having everyone keep spending their money even if it requires you to go into debt .


the real question about the economy is: should workers have more or less control over the jobs they work in? is this sustainable? should workers have more or less ownership over the jobs they work in?


from the union cab worker controlled cooperative website:

Differences Between Union Cab and Typical Cab Companies

The industry, in the United States, has moved from "mom and pop" style operations in which drivers were paid commissions, to more corporate models in which drivers are considered independent contractors. The differences are many:

  • At Union Cab, the co-operative owns all of the assets, drivers earn a commission on their fares. In a typical cab company today, the owner of the company makes their income from renting the cab to the driver. If a driver doesn't earn enough to pay the lease, they may spend a day working and owing the company money. Drivers also earn seniority increases in their commission rate.
  • Union Cab may be the only cab company to even provide health insurance to its drivers let alone paying a substantial part of the premium. Union Cab currently partners with Group Health Cooperative of South-Central Wisconsin.
  • Workers elect and run for the board of directors and other governance positions. The operate the governance structure as well as own the assets.
  • Workers have a highly developed accountability system that ensures the rights of workers to be treated fairly with dignity even while maintaining high standards of customer service and integrity.
  • Starting pay for almost all workers exceeds industry averages (except managers).
  • Pay solidarity is expressed throughout the organization with a 2.5:1 ration between the highest and lowest paid worker.


just heard that a congressman from south carolina is trying to pass a bill which will allow Puerto Rico to get rid of its planned minimum wage.

so when workers are negotiating on a free market with their employer, it will be interesting to see how much less they will make with no minimum wage protecting them 5 years from now assuming this passes.


Well-Known Member
just heard that a congressman from south carolina is trying to pass a bill which will allow Puerto Rico to get rid of its planned minimum wage.

so when workers are negotiating on a free market with their employer, it will be interesting to see how much less they will make with no minimum wage protecting them 5 years from now assuming this passes.

Gotta love the 'states' rights' Republicans.

Their for it, until they aren't.

Minimum wage is a great example, abortion-whatever is another.



Gotta love the 'states' rights' Republicans.

Their for it, until they aren't.

Minimum wage is a great example, abortion-whatever is another.

i was listening to chomsky and he said states rights made it easier for corporations to have their way because they have more power over state governments than federal government


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy

4. If You Live In America, You’re Already In The 1%
That’s right. Even though you work at McDonald’s for minimum wage because you got a useless, outrageously expensive college degree, you’re still far better off than the vast majority of the planet. Don’t believe me? Fly to Uganda and check out the living conditions there. Fly to China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and even European countries like Ukraine and Greece, and you’ll quickly discover just how well-off you really are. While it may be cool these days to dump on capitalism, it’s the only reason you aren’t already worse off.



he does a bunch of short updates and then does longer discussions about socialism and fascism and how in the future in america you might not be able to protest at all. his videos have gained in popularity alot over the last year.