I voted Y E S


Well-Known Member
Oh I knew it was going to pass, I feel sorry for the part timers that were screwed over once again. Makes me proud to be a member of "The Brotherhood" where everybody just watches out for themselves.

I like watching out for myself too, I have no choice, the stewards I know don't help me out. You have to have a strong contract to be able to watch out for yourself though.


Well-Known Member
I have lost count of how many contracts I have been through since 1975, this one turned out exactly as I expected. As a full time driver, I came out with a pension increase and retiree dental and vision care. Screw the majority of the workforce is the way most teamsters voted. I can retire right now or wait for my maximin benefits to kick in about August 2014.
Thanx bro for looking out for everyone and voting no. This is a true Teamster!