IE caught red handed!!!


Well-Known Member
I guess I need to push her a bit more for this to be done. I also understand what you're saying about cities and developers giving the USPS a heads up, but is there anything I can have done about stops having 2 instances in EDD? If I go to the stop in EDD they have identical info but may be loaded in different areas of the pkg car. For instance, 2650 NW Federal Hwy occurs twice and can be loaded in FL2 and say 5200, even though the stop info is the same. Same zip, same everything.

that sounds like a problem with the dispatch plan, and that should be an easy fix. It could be an issue with consignee definitions and planning. See if the difference in the packages is that the system has recognized the name of the consignee on some of them ( the system has recognized the consignee name if it appears on the PAL ).
Or it could be that the same physical location has two different addresses in the data standard file. For example, 2650 NW Federal HWY could be seen by the system as a separate entry from 2650 Federal HWY NW, but realy be the same place. In this case, the planner can assign these two entries in the data base the same sequence number and it will give them the same location in the car and on EDD.


that sounds like a problem with the dispatch plan, and that should be an easy fix. It could be an issue with consignee definitions and planning. See if the difference in the packages is that the system has recognized the name of the consignee on some of them ( the system has recognized the consignee name if it appears on the PAL ).
Or it could be that the same physical location has two different addresses in the data standard file. For example, 2650 NW Federal HWY could be seen by the system as a separate entry from 2650 Federal HWY NW, but realy be the same place. In this case, the planner can assign these two entries in the data base the same sequence number and it will give them the same location in the car and on EDD.
But will it still show up as 2 seperate stops in EDD? I'm just asking because if this occurs for several stops it could throw off my dispatch.


Well-Known Member
But will it still show up as 2 seperate stops in EDD? I'm just asking because if this occurs for several stops it could throw off my dispatch.

good question. I do not remember for sure. I know it will have the same Handling instruction in EDD, but EDD might show 2 different stops in that HIN. If anything though, that would lighten your dispatch somewhat because DPS would be seeing two stops and giving the allowance in the plan for two stops when it is reality only one.


Man of Great Wisdom
It can be put in so it shows one stop. I had a Lowes store that was at 4401 main st and one shipper had their address as 4401 S 26th St which was also on my route so the pkgs would land in a different section. Supe finally put them both at location flr3. It showed one stop in the board at the correct address but when I scanned the bad ones the DIAD still asked if this matched. After paying 5 bucks a package the shipper finally figured it out after a year.


Man of Great Wisdom
This same supe also allowed me to set up my entire route stop for stop with the correct address ranges. Some of my country roads would flip to other ones so I set it up for each individual address. Pain in the butt but it eliminated many of the flips. The driver has to give it the effort and more importantly be allowed to give it the effort. If the company won't budge on these area traces than it will continue to bleed profit.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
All this back and forth over the various acronyms and functions of the DPS is overlooking the original post of this thread...which was from a driver whose allowance was getting jacked around.

We can endlessly debate the cause and effect or we can focus on the simple truth.

Time=money. UPS isnt going to give away money.

It is not logical to assume that a company that makes a business decision that the life of its driver is unworthy of the $50 expense of a 3-point seatbelt...would then turn around and spend extra money to give that same driver a fair and realistic time standard for his work.

UPS's entire system for creating time allowances is either (a) incompetent or (b) corrupt.

UPS is many things, but incompetent isnt one of them. I pick (b).

The allowances exist for one reason; to increase productivity by creating a "standard" that can only be met by working off of the clock. UPS's entire business model is predicated upon pressuring a given percentage of its workforce to donate their lunches and breaks in order to meet this "standard".

Show me a center where every driver pulls over at noon and takes a full, uninterrupted, one hour lunch....and I will show you at least 500 service failures per day, a "dispatch plan" that is missing at least 4 full routes, and a center manager who is about to get his ass fired.

Water has a maximum temperature of 212 degrees before it boils, and a center has a maximum number of stops that can possibly be delivered in a given amount of time. If you want to increase either number, you simply have to apply more pressure. To do this, you need a pressure cooker....or an intentionally rigged time allowance. Both will accomplish the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Show me a center where every driver pulls over at noon and takes a full, uninterrupted, one hour lunch....and I will show you at least 500 service failures per day, a "dispatch plan" that is missing at least 4 full routes, and a center manager who is about to get his ass fired.

My understanding is that this is done daily in California and their service freqs are within normal parameters. Also, I believe center managers last just as long out there.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
My understanding is that this is done daily in California and their service freqs are within normal parameters. Also, I believe center managers last just as long out there.

That is because the lawsuit and resulting settlement forced the company to dispatch based upon reality.

Believe it or not, I dont have a problem with occasionally working thru my long as you let me put the truth on my timecard and pay me for all the hours I worked. I suspect that many other drivers feel the same way.

Unfortunately, UPS got greedy. It wasnt enough for us to work thru lunch...the company wanted us to clock off, falsify our timecards, and do the work for free!

The lawsuit would never have been necessary if UPS would have simply acted with integrity and been willing to pay its drivers for all hours worked.
UPSSOCKS"Your point of view doesn't matter. You work as instructed. If you don't like it pick a door and leave. That's what I would tell you if I was your supervisor. "

I love it when our management team talks this way. We had a DM tell a guy this before start time once, and we just had our Labor guy tell us something similar a few weeks ago (actualy he said teamsters and management have been fighting for years and we can't change the way things are in our lifetimes).

This is the type of management attitude that creates UPSers with bad attitudes. Things can't change if management wants to fire every guy who fights for his contractual rights, and that attitude is a lack of respect for their own employees. No one comes to this company with a chip on their shoulder, the company helps them grow one.

rocket man

Well-Known Member
okay so for the last couple months i've been getting harrassed by management for my route not planning. Well they changed my route starting this last friday and it planned well (i'm a hero again...). Well over the weekend the time allowance changed and it planned less on monday morning... Well my center mgr and dispatch sup changed the allowance back to what it was friday and the same day ie called the center mgr and told them (ie) they changed the allowance and they should have not changed it back.... Ie threatened to fire them for changing the allowance back so my center mgr went to the dm and he said that he didn't authorize the allowance change by ie...

Being that i was told about this by my center manager and i have been getting harrassed for quite a while. Do i have a leg to stand on for filing a hr corporate complaint on ie for changing allowances without doing any kind of time study? Isn't it stealing time if they are taking the time without informing the dm,center manager, or dispatch sup.... Especially the one person who is effected by there bs changes, mainly me>>>>> i'm pissed!!!! What if anything can i do????
article 52 labor managment relations
Okay, well I guess there isn't much I can do about my situation being that the majority of my fellow drivers all over the country are in a similar situation. Sooo I will do the best job I can do every day, take my full hour lunch, cash my extra fat check, and just let them worry about their IE controlled lack of productivity report thats on me most everyday. I appreciate all the answers and input.


Okay, well I guess there isn't much I can do about my situation being that the majority of my fellow drivers all over the country are in a similar situation. Sooo I will do the best job I can do every day, take my full hour lunch, cash my extra fat check, and just let them worry about their IE controlled lack of productivity report thats on me most everyday. I appreciate all the answers and input.
Your job and their report have nothing to do with each other. You do your job the best that you can and whether that reflects bad numbers on their report or not, oh well.