if hoffa win

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Funny, that high school education is paying off. Well let me school you TOS. One, the South is all right to work states. A union hall is rather empty for the most part and information is usually lacking. The other two candidates did not waste too much time in the south campaigning so as expected Hoffa was going to win the south but the south is not enough of the pie to influence the overall election. As tallied there were only 20,000 votes not to say the south votes do not count cause they do but it is like the Presidential race depending upon South Dakota electoral votes to win the presidency. Hoffa only has 7,000 votes more than the other two candidates and the process has four days and many more votes to count. This is not enough to get excited about but as I stated before if Hoffa takes the midwest then it will be bleak for the other two candidates.

Oh boy, the TDU excuses begin to fly out of the batcave!

Put a fork in it. Its over.



people like Hoffa and TOS is the reason why i will no longer pay dues and or be active in the union. I have had my fair share of people like TOs talking down to members like they don't matter. But that is ok TOS I sure will take that free insurance you are working your ass to give for me. Keep working for me bubby, I'm in a Right work and will no longer pay the Hoff to give me Sh**. About why we have lost so much. I think I will take my large union due that i pay every month and upgrade my TV packages so I watch some friend* FOX NEWS, and make fun of the Occutars and Obama's foster kids. You keep on fighting in the union and agian I will take the free sh** the union will give me. Anyone but the HOFF god please.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
people like Hoffa and TOS is the reason why i will no longer pay dues and or be active in the union. I have had my fair share of people like TOs talking down to members like they don't matter. But that is ok TOS I sure will take that free insurance you are working your ass to give for me. Keep working for me bubby, I'm in a Right work and will no longer pay the Hoff to give me Sh**. About why we have lost so much. I think I will take my large union due that i pay every month and upgrade my TV packages so I watch some friend* FOX NEWS, and make fun of the Occutars and Obama's foster kids. You keep on fighting in the union and agian I will take the free sh** the union will give me. Anyone but the HOFF god please.

AHH, First come the excuses then comes the sour grapes...



Well-Known Member
I am just but one union employee here, but this is my take on this situation. Its not if hoffa will win, but when it is announced. As I see it there are two voting blocks here. The hoffa vote, and the anti-hoffa vote. The anti-hoffa vote is split into two giving more solidarity to the hoffa vote. I personally voted for Sandy Pope, but I really didn't think it would matter one way or another if she or Fred happened to have won. It really would make no difference in my day to day routine if Hoffa wins, Pope wins, or Fred wins. They will simply go take their place in their $250k/yr. job going around the country shaking the hands of the people they supposedly represent.


Browncafe Steward
Brett I take it you are out of 135 in Indy??? If so I noticed that Hoffa won that local, but at what expense to Buehle???? I see more people voted against Hoffa splitting their votes with Fred and Sandy. Any political consequences??


Well-Known Member
Oh boy, the TDU excuses begin to fly out of the batcave!

Put a fork in it. Its over.


I have come to learn over the years certain individuals just do not warrant my attention. When they do not bring anything to the conversation to enlighten me or the others around them then those individuals become insignificant.


Well-Known Member
Update at 3:25 p.m. Pope 4,321, Hoffa 10,072, Gegare 7,537 with roughly 30,000 more votes to come. It looks as though Gegare is making it interesting in the midwest for right now. Mind you, Hoffa won the south by 7,000 so if Gegare gains ground in the midwest and that is highly possible then it can become even more interesting what happens in the east, west, and canada.


Browncafe Steward
Lets not forget that there are VP seats up for grabs in these regions. I just looked at the results right now and its about 19,000 combined for Sandy and Fred to Hoffa's 14,000. I cant find VP vote totals, but at that rate it could cost Coli an others their seats.


Well-Known Member
LAST UPDATED: Tuesday, November 15, 5:49 PM
The vote count for Teamster President is underway.
The current unofficial tally is:
Sandy Pope: 11,475
James P. Hoffa: 29,386
Fred Gegare: 17,673


Well-Known Member
705red:901495 said:
Brett I take it you are out of 135 in Indy??? If so I noticed that Hoffa won that local, but at what expense to Buehle???? I see more people voted against Hoffa splitting their votes with Fred and Sandy. Any political consequences??

I really couldn't tell you what, if any, political implications this has on local 135 and its current leadership. I do recall participating in the last election held and they had all the ballots being filled out in pencil so perhaps the consequences will be at the discretion of the ballot counters.


Well-Known Member
I really couldn't tell you what, if any, political implications this has on local 135 and its current leadership. I do recall participating in the last election held and they had all the ballots being filled out in pencil so perhaps the consequences will be at the discretion of the ballot counters.
Ok you lost me, what does this statement mean? "I do recall participating in the last election held and they had all the ballots being filled out in pencil..." Who is 'they' that had all the ballots being filled out in pencil? How did you participate in the last election? By voting? Observing the count? Ballots are filled out by members, envelopes are sealed and held by an independent third party, counting is done under the supervision of observers appointed by participating candidates. All of this process is controlled by the Office of the Election Supervisor (OES) which has been imposed on the IBT by order of the consent decree. There are over 130 Teamster local elections every year, with severe penalties imposed for cheating. You have no facts supporting your inferred allegations. Do you really think some are erasing and changing votes? Go listen to Art Bell.


Well-Known Member
Ok you lost me, what does this statement mean? "I do recall participating in the last election held and they had all the ballots being filled out in pencil..." Who is 'they' that had all the ballots being filled out in pencil? How did you participate in the last election? By voting? Observing the count? Ballots are filled out by members, envelopes are sealed and held by an independent third party, counting is done under the supervision of observers appointed by participating candidates. All of this process is controlled by the Office of the Election Supervisor (OES) which has been imposed on the IBT by order of the consent decree. There are over 130 Teamster local elections every year, with severe penalties imposed for cheating. You have no facts supporting your inferred allegations. Do you really think some are erasing and changing votes? Go listen to Art Bell.

Don't get your panties in a bunch now. When I said participated I was referring to voting, and yes I did find is strange that a pencil was the only writing utensil used for filling out the ballot. I cannot say for certain that some vote changing was going on, but I have voted in many different elections and every one of them used a pen to fill out the ballot because pen ink is much more permanent than pencil markings.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Don't get your panties in a bunch now. When I said participated I was referring to voting, and yes I did find is strange that a pencil was the only writing utensil used for filling out the ballot. I cannot say for certain that some vote changing was going on, but I have voted in many different elections and every one of them used a pen to fill out the ballot because pen ink is much more permanent than pencil markings.

WHere exactly were you instructed to use a pencil?



Well-Known Member
WHere exactly were you instructed to use a pencil?


Did you not read where I stated that only pencils were used at the voting areas? I suppose I could have asked for a pen, or brought one, but I did not. Either way there was a UPSer in the election that I was going to show my support for, but I discovered the whole process was a joke when I saw what they were supplying to fill out the ballots.


Got the T-Shirt

So let me get this straight....

You voted in person.... for election of Local Officers and Business Agents....

of Local 135.... and were provided pencils to mark your ballot....

Where did the voting take place and When ??



Well-Known Member
Don't get your panties in a bunch now. When I said participated I was referring to voting, and yes I did find is strange that a pencil was the only writing utensil used for filling out the ballot. I cannot say for certain that some vote changing was going on, but I have voted in many different elections and every one of them used a pen to fill out the ballot because pen ink is much more permanent than pencil markings.

I'm sure I've voted in more union elections than most reading these threads and have never been instructed to fill any ballot with a pencil. I've also served on many election committees and have had candidates I support win and lose. Local union elections are extremely well run, transparent operations completely visible to members and candidate observers. There is very little chance of a fraudulent scheme being successful with all the eyes watching. Even if your allegation is accurate that a pencil was used why do you conclude vote changing was done? Did you witness any "vote changing" going on? Was there a protest filed by your preferred candidate? Allegations with no basis other than what you think may have occured are exactly what you've criticized others for regarding your preferred Presidential candidate. Your hypocrisy is comical.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I've voted in more union elections than most reading these threads and have never been instructed to fill any ballot with a pencil. I've also served on many election committees and have had candidates I support win and lose. Local union elections are extremely well run, transparent operations completely visible to members and candidate observers. There is very little chance of a fraudulent scheme being successful with all the eyes watching. Even if your allegation is accurate that a pencil was used why do you conclude vote changing was done? Did you witness any "vote changing" going on? Was there a protest filed by your preferred candidate? Allegations with no basis other than what you think may have occured are exactly what you've criticized others for regarding your preferred Presidential candidate. Your hypocrisy is comical.

Where did I state I or anyone was "instructed" to fill the ballot out with a pencil, and what makes you think if I asked for a pen would it make any difference if vote altering was the goal? All I stated was that a pencil was the only writing utensil supplied to fill out the ballots. And no I did not witness any vote changing, but the very fact that a pencil was the only offered writing utensil was certainly a sign that ballot altering was a real possibility. When I vote for President, Senator, or Mayor it is done on a paper ballot with a pen because, believe it or not, a pen is more permanent than a pencil. Whether you want to admit it or not the Teamsters have a history of severe corruption, and the way local official elections are held certainly doesn't lead me to believe the corruption has been eliminated.

May I also suggest before you go off using words like "hypocrisy" I suggest you understand the meaning of the word before using it. Nowhere in this discussion is hypocrisy a word that can be applied to either of us. I understand you want to sound intelligent, but using words when you obviously don't know the real meaning will only expose you for the fool that you are.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Where did I state I or anyone was "instructed" to fill the ballot out with a pencil, and what makes you think if I asked for a pen would it make any difference if vote altering was the goal? All I stated was that a pencil was the only writing utensil supplied to fill out the ballots. And no I did not witness any vote changing, but the very fact that a pencil was the only offered writing utensil was certainly a sign that ballot altering was a real possibility. When I vote for President, Senator, or Mayor it is done on a paper ballot with a pen because, believe it or not, a pen is more permanent than a pencil. Whether you want to admit it or not the Teamsters have a history of severe corruption, and the way local official elections are held certainly doesn't lead me to believe the corruption has been eliminated.

May I also suggest before you go off using words like "hypocrisy" I suggest you understand the meaning of the word before using it. Nowhere in this discussion is hypocrisy a word that can be applied to either of us. I understand you want to sound intelligent, but using words when you obviously don't know the real meaning will only expose you for the fool that you are.

I wouldnt call you a hypocrite, and offer another description:

A story teller.
