What do you all think they should do?
Who? The UPSS? Tell him/her (driver) youll enjoy working with whoever happens to replace them in the future. Then call their center and tell their center manager that (whoever) has been in your shop making threatening statements and that you dont want him/her back. Thatll cause a little problem (not really as far as the driver is concerned), but if s/he persists, keep complaining and tell the center manager s/hes no longer welcome on your premises and/or go to court and get a protective order for harassment.
That wont adversely affect the driver as much as the management team but it does give them a glaring look into who is causing a problem and who isnt. That can be useful later.
The drivers? They can do whatever they want. Im of the opinion that there should be *NO* UPS hourly with a hire date prior to about March of 1998 or so. But thats just me.
The pilots? Too late theyve stepped in it too many times - force their hand.
Id clear the system starting yesterday. No pickups clean the system out as neat as a pin the whole shebang. On Monday morning you meet with the mediator and tell him self help is the only option available now. The time to put up or shut up is long gone.
Start selling/parking planes. UPS will no longer have an airline, mechanics, or pilots.
Then start spinning off the districts and centers. As late as 1998 there were plenty of people interested in building a network of strategic partnerships. Whether that is the case today, I dont know/care. Sell them off and roll the dice.
Run whats left of used-to-be package into the ground. Sell it off to a competitor or consortium of partners. They can buy it as it enters bankruptcy and petition the court to relieve them of various obligations among them the pension obligations incurred by the previous owner.
I can solve a bunch of problems in one shot using the pilots. Unions are sort of dumb and predictable that way. But then, UPS is sort of dumb and predictable too, and I dont think they have it in them.
UPS? Just grow a set and get er done. The time for timidity and cowardice ran out a decade ago.
Thats what I think they should do.
But that's just my opinion.