Im Voting Republican!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am sure your definition of elitist is accurate in your mind but the actual definition (taken right from the dictionary) of elite is - people considered to be the best in a particular society or category esp. because of power, talent, or wealth.

So apparently you think she is humble and does not think that she is one of the most talented and powerful black women! I disagree. I think she basically clawed her way to the top and now she looks down on everyone around her. ....."elitist!"

She does not like the fact that there is a soccer mom getting more attention than her! Right now Sarah is getting the attention and she can't stand it.

Listen to Michelle in a speech, her tone, demeanor and expressions exude anger and other negative vibes. Or do you watch her through rose colored glasses?

I guess you said it best she is the potential First Lady and she thinks she walks on water!

Sarah sends out a completely different vibe! She wants to humbly serve her country.
There is no hidden agenda - and the people LOVE her! I feel I could invite her into my home and have a one on one conversation and she would actually listen and care about what I am saying. I am never going to feel that way about Michelle. I personally think that Hillary has that same approachability.

Lifer, didn't people tell you when you retired not to watch ABC's "The View"

I just think that Arab scares me so I'm voting Republican too!
you mean that arab that ordered the planes into the twin towers who's still free.


Lifer, do you even know what an elitist is? Members of the lucky sperm club who's been giving everything in life "paid in full" accusing those who scratched and clawed and came from obscurity as an elitists.

ah so an elitist is one who was genetically created that way. ROFL best dumb explanation yet. An elitist is anyone who has the attitude and Obama and Michelle definitely have the attitude.

I'm not sure why your comparing Michele Obama to Sarah Palin, a potential first lady to a potential VP. What's your point?

Oh I don't know. Michele gets oohs and aahs over her speech and dissapears. Guess the folks were wondering where the hell she went.

You know, come to think of it, I don't believe any of us ever seen Ron Paul, Bob Barr or Ralph Nader's wife come to think of it, Do they exist?

Nope you're right didn't see them make a major speech at a major convention either.

Moerluck.....where are you getting your info from, enquiring minds want to know...:wink2:

So you can try to discredit her news sources. Or is this a subtle liberal reference to fox or Rush?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The View sucks!! Baba Wawa lost her credibility as a newswoman years ago. She's just Oprah on Social Security.

Yeah! She pretends to be neutral and then the claws and fangs come out!
At least Joy sticks it in your face. She is reminding me more and more of Rosie.

Even though Whoopi trie to also pretend to be neutral .... There is just something down to earth about her that makes her so likable.

I guess I am waiting for the big cat fight to happen even though it never does!

Boy! they really ambushed McCain! I thought he was going to pop right there on the sofa. He holds his cool a lot better than he used to!

I doubt he will go back there again and I will bet Sarah won't give them the time of day.

Joy says she is thinking of running for office! I think that would be outstanding. I don't think she realizes what it is like to play with in the majors. She may be able to tag team Elizabeth on the View but put her up next to a real adversary in a neutral arena and she will get a big dose of her own medicine!


Yeah! She pretends to be neutral and then the claws and fangs come out!
At least Joy sticks it in your face. She is reminding me more and more of Rosie.

Even though Whoopi trie to also pretend to be neutral .... There is just something down to earth about her that makes her so likable.

I guess I am waiting for the big cat fight to happen even though it never does!

Boy! they really ambushed McCain! I thought he was going to pop right there on the sofa. He holds his cool a lot better than he used to!

I doubt he will go back there again and I will bet Sarah won't give them the time of day.

Joy says she is thinking of running for office! I think that would be outstanding. I don't think she realizes what it is like to play with in the majors. She may be able to tag team Elizabeth on the View but put her up next to a real adversary in a neutral arena and she will get a big dose of her own medicine!

that would be a treat to watch. Joy is one evil :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
My wife started this bad habit back in '02. I worked nights so this is what was on when I woke up in the am. YIKES!

Hey Lifer, why not get a programmable TV that changes channels at a set time of day so you can avoid such mindless tripe. When you consider The View, I can think of a whole host of TV shows much more intelligent and mental challenging than the View. Can I give one example for starters you say? OK. How about uh..........

The Wiggles!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Hey Lifer, why not get a programmable TV that changes channels at a set time of day so you can avoid such mindless tripe. When you consider The View, I can think of a whole host of TV shows much more intelligent and mental challenging than the View. Can I give one example for starters you say? OK. How about uh..........

The Wiggles!

I think you hit it on the head... It is mindless tripe. I do like to check the brain at the couch (actually quite a bit lately!).

We are not counting sports right? I may take offense to that as "mindless tripe"!!


Active Member
Hey Lifer, why not get a programmable TV that changes channels at a set time of day so you can avoid such mindless tripe.
The Wiggles!


He should invest in a FTA (free to air) System. And a motorized dish. All the proganada(mass media) that rupert murdoch has, is an insult. Along with dish and direct.​

Plenty of Tv watch all over the world with FTA.​

UPS delievers them everyday , FTA systems.(Viewsat/Pansat etc..)​

I for one will write in Ralph Nader.​

Also how can anyone vote for this senial idiot​



He should invest in a FTA (free to air) System. And a motorized dish. All the proganada(mass media) that rupert murdoch has, is an insult. Along with dish and direct.​

Plenty of Tv watch all over the world with FTA.​

UPS delievers them everyday , FTA systems.(Viewsat/Pansat etc..)​

I for one will write in Ralph Nader.​

Also how can anyone vote for this senial idiot​


ultimately there is nothing wrong with you making your decision and participating in the process.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I think its great that we can share thoughts and vote how we decide.
But I got called a racist by a co-worker, a newbie, just barely old enough to vote. I knew who he supported, and still treated him the same even tho we are diametrically different in thought, I think hes a decent kid. But he asked me, and I said "Uh no, I dont support Obama, I support McCain. And the first thing out of his mouth was, "why because Obama is black?" I found it quite distasteful, the way he follwed and attacked me for the 20 minutes of my return to building time til leave the building in my own vehicle time. Not that I was scared of him, nothing like that just kinda annoying. Voting is personal. While we debate our views and thoughts, I dont need anyones approval to decide for myself. I finally told the kid after he basically said I knew nothing of news and he pulled out his phone to pull up websites to convince me how dumb I was. I told him I had been voting longer than hes been alive, and I watched news when there were three channels and no cell phones. And as I pulled my McCain sign out from under the gun rack, and behind my seat, and waved goodbye to another day, I thought, Wow that was quite enlightening. I saw no thought process, no chance to exchange views, just a constant diatribe of "another four yrs, no Wmds, GWS War" My mind got numb..desperation because I wouldnt vote for a black man, who isnt really black, that makes me a racist. I wonder what class in the fine institution he attends taught him those lines verbatim.


Nine Lives
I think its great that we can share thoughts and vote how we decide.
But I got called a racist by a co-worker, a newbie, just barely old enough to vote. I knew who he supported, and still treated him the same even tho we are diametrically different in thought, I think hes a decent kid. But he asked me, and I said "Uh no, I dont support Obama, I support McCain. And the first thing out of his mouth was, "why because Obama is black?" I found it quite distasteful, the way he follwed and attacked me for the 20 minutes of my return to building time til leave the building in my own vehicle time. Not that I was scared of him, nothing like that just kinda annoying. Voting is personal. While we debate our views and thoughts, I dont need anyones approval to decide for myself. I finally told the kid after he basically said I knew nothing of news and he pulled out his phone to pull up websites to convince me how dumb I was. I told him I had been voting longer than hes been alive, and I watched news when there were three channels and no cell phones. And as I pulled my McCain sign out from under the gun rack, and behind my seat, and waved goodbye to another day, I thought, Wow that was quite enlightening. I saw no thought process, no chance to exchange views, just a constant diatribe of "another four yrs, no Wmds, GWS War" My mind got numb..desperation because I wouldnt vote for a black man, who isnt really black, that makes me a racist. I wonder what class in the fine institution he attends taught him those lines verbatim.

I see that you have very cute kids. I also noticed that they are young, Wait till they get to 18 - 23 years old. Then you'll understand that kid.
The kid seemed pretty typical of hot-headed, intolerant males...I try to forget what a stupid $***head I was like at that age.
I'm a little better now.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
I think its great that we can share thoughts and vote how we decide.
But I got called a racist by a co-worker, a newbie, just barely old enough to vote. I knew who he supported, and still treated him the same even tho we are diametrically different in thought, I think hes a decent kid. But he asked me, and I said "Uh no, I dont support Obama, I support McCain. And the first thing out of his mouth was, "why because Obama is black?" I found it quite distasteful, the way he follwed and attacked me for the 20 minutes of my return to building time til leave the building in my own vehicle time. Not that I was scared of him, nothing like that just kinda annoying. Voting is personal. While we debate our views and thoughts, I dont need anyones approval to decide for myself. I finally told the kid after he basically said I knew nothing of news and he pulled out his phone to pull up websites to convince me how dumb I was. I told him I had been voting longer than hes been alive, and I watched news when there were three channels and no cell phones. And as I pulled my McCain sign out from under the gun rack, and behind my seat, and waved goodbye to another day, I thought, Wow that was quite enlightening. I saw no thought process, no chance to exchange views, just a constant diatribe of "another four yrs, no Wmds, GWS War" My mind got numb..desperation because I wouldnt vote for a black man, who isnt really black, that makes me a racist. I wonder what class in the fine institution he attends taught him those lines verbatim.

Your experience with that young man made me think of this study that was conducted by Stanford Univ, a very well respected school......


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Thanks Hoax, yes they are darlings:happy2:
There are reasons why I wont vote for Obama.
None of them being his race.
The survey seems to indicate democrats are hurting their own party if they have negative views towards blacks. They need to get a few more honest people in their to replace the disgraces of Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. But if thats what the base keeps electing, it is sad. These three people are self righteous, worthless idiots. I watched with interest CSPAN to see what is going on with the bailout, and they are truly the biggest waste of taxpayer money.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hoax, yes they are darlings:happy2:
There are reasons why I wont vote for Obama.
None of them being his race.
The survey seems to indicate democrats are hurting their own party if they have negative views towards blacks. They need to get a few more honest people in their to replace the disgraces of Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. But if thats what the base keeps electing, it is sad. These three people are self righteous, worthless idiots. I watched with interest CSPAN to see what is going on with the bailout, and they are truly the biggest waste of taxpayer money.

I don't see the correlation of Frank, Reid , and Pelosi as the perpetraitors of Wall Street's collaspe. Please enlighten us. And tell me why the Bush Adm, republicans and their policies, and ex Wall Street millionaire appointed Treasury Sec Paulsen get a pass?


Livin the cardboard dream
I don't see how three people are at fault here. Financial institutions answer to their shareholders. The government relaxed their standards on loans. They didn't make those institutions take those loans, they made a choice to use them, knowing that at some point all good time come to an end. Instead of placing the blame on a few people, the blame needs to be placed on people as a whole. When the opportunity for a gluttonous amount of money made itself available, what did you expect to happen? These companies answer to their shareholders, just like UPS does. When UPS started answering to shareholders, the company started on the ridiculous spiral it's in now. The same thing happened to these financial giants. They had to answer to their shareholders demands for higher dividends. If they didn't, then they would have been second best to the company that did, and that is death in business. Unfortunately there is no moral ground when it comes to economics.