Innocent until proven guilty? yeah ok


Well-Known Member
WOW! This is extremely profound and should not be taken lightly. This was a brilliant summation.

I am reading a book on Oprah's Book Club List - Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth - Awakening to Your Life's Purpose"

He talks about consciousness and ego and Presence and well as the collective of these ...and in a few sentences I think you hit the nail on the head on a big part of what Eckhart is trying to verbalize to the masses.

I agree, Cheryl is awesome!

Perhaps she can stop the hope/change Obama express and get in there and run before it's too late...LOL:cheer_up:


Staff member
Geez, you people are nuts! Cheryl once had a moderator named Cachsux, which I found far more offensive than Pucks former name.

Why was Cachsux ok???? I don't understand this random censoring. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for keeping it clean, but it seems it's ok for some people, but others....
I give up....


Active Member
Geez, you people are nuts! Cheryl once had a moderator named Cachsux, which I found far more offensive than Pucks former name.

Why was Cachsux ok???? I don't understand this random censoring. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for keeping it clean, but it seems it's ok for some people, but others....
I give up....

I agree. As a fairly new member, I don't suppose I should have an opinion, but I find this childish censorship stuff to be really silly. Having the moderators do it is annoying enough, but the "auto-censor" software is really maddening. All it makes me do is stop reading, go back, and see if I can figure out which words were censored, based on context.

It reminds me of Dana Carvey's church lady character...

Is it any wonder why TV shows like The Sopranos, which aren't subject to stupid network censorship, are so much more interesting to watch? Listening to common everyday language is a lot more interesting than sterilized dialogue.
I often use language that needs to be censored. Language that should not be used in mixed company. However a well placed expletive is at times called for to keep things in perspective. On the other hand, I don't figure cleaner language really ever offended anyone. I applaud Cheryl and the moderators for trying to keep things clean, not everyone wants to read foul language.
The thing about Cachsux name and Puck's former name seems pretty obvious to me. Hearing the word "sux" is seldom vulgar, usually it just signifies that something of someone is less than good. Well, we all know what Puck's former name was supposed insinuate. Although it was a cleaver play on words.

disciplinary procedure 2

Excellent post by "disciplinary procedure". You should register and become a memeber!

Disciplinary Procedure was a member, but then had posts changed by moderators and was threatened with hanging by members of the APWA crowd, accused of being someone else, and banned by Cheryl. Apparently vigorous debate is subject to banning at Brown Cafe but threatening physical action against a member is not. So Disciplinary Procedure will continue to post selectively and anonymously until such time that Cheryl/Brown Cafe's moderation and/or TOU are modified to allow the type of vigorous debate that will be inherent in this type of workplace website, especially one related to UPS.

I can be contacted at ************
Last edited by a moderator:

disciplinary procedure 2

The moderators here edited my posts to discredit me. They deleted my posts because they wanted to silence me. My ideas were a threat to this campaign of misinformation. The only voices that are heard here are the ones that they present. This is a well orchestrated corporate propaganda campaign where most of the players are actors.


Well-Known Member
The moderators here edited my posts to discredit me. They deleted my posts because they wanted to silence me. My ideas were a threat to this campaign of misinformation. The only voices that are heard here are the ones that they present. This is a well orchestrated corporate propaganda campaign where most of the players are actors.

Vigorous debate always seems to be encouraged here let's see what your decent vocabulary has to offer. :cigarsmoker:

disciplinary procedure 2

Well obvious attempts to post as me are only proving my case. Cheryl and/or the moderators are welcome to email me if they wish to start a dialogue.
I'll leave you with this thought I read elsewhere on this forum:

"I'm not sure if you are interested in my $.02 but here goes anyway. I have served as a mod and now an admin for a couple other forums and we have always ran into the same issues. It seems like the more you try to tighten your grip, the more startsystems will slip through your fingers. (old school Star Wars reference). If you use the option to automatically edit out profanity, people will find creative ways to say what they want. I'm not sure how many members BC has, but anytime you put that many people in one place there are going to be dissagreements. That is the beauty of forums. People should be allowed to disagree. Aside from threatening violence what are a couple little words going to hurt? You are going to drive yourself nuts trying to police every single post. Trust me, I've been there. Most importantly, it is your forum and you should run it how you want and if I or anyone else don't like it, we are free to not read."

Eventually Brown Cafe membership will grow to where the excessive moderation will be unwieldy at best and discourse will suffer. I would suggest adding a "block user" function where individual members can filter the posters they disagree with.
The moderators here edited my posts to discredit me. They deleted my posts because they wanted to silence me. My ideas were a threat to this campaign of misinformation. The only voices that are heard here are the ones that they present. This is a well orchestrated corporate propaganda campaign where most of the players are actors.

From your post on 02-18-2008, 01:10 PM on this thread I thought " Now this guy has it on the ball", but with this post (if you are indeed the same person) makes you sound like a drunken loon. I assure you that all the posters here are not actors or agents of the dark force. So much for first impressions.


I started this.
Staff member
disciplinary procedure 2,

I have only 2 things to say in regard to your posts here.

1. I have no idea what your story is or why you believe that the moderators would be interested in you or would want to start a dialogue with you. If you have something to say then feel free to email me using the contact us form.

2. Thank you for the forum software modification suggestion, I'll consider it. Perhaps you should consider simply complying with the forum content guidelines rather than asking us to make alterations in the forum software to accomodate the type of content you are yearning to display here.