Iran soon to get the BIG BOMB!


Well-Known Member
I think I heard it on Glenn Beck but I couldn't find anything in writing that states they have been confirmed to be engaging US troops but nonetheless a few links for you.

US Troops fighting Iranians in Iraq

CTOTH, the first link doesn't say anything about 'uniformed' Iranian troops, just Iranians. That would be akin to saying we've engaged Saudis in Iraq. The second link is the raid on the Iranian Consulate in Kurd controlled Iraq, which could be construed as an act of War on Iran by the US.

As for Glenn Beck, what can I say?


Not retired, just tired
CTOTH, the first link doesn't say anything about 'uniformed' Iranian troops, just Iranians. That would be akin to saying we've engaged Saudis in Iraq. The second link is the raid on the Iranian Consulate in Kurd controlled Iraq, which could be construed as an act of War on Iran by the US.

As for Glenn Beck, what can I say?

Yeah, I made a mistake. Anyway, It wouldn't suprise me.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
What do you think should be done? These people that you speak of spend between 8 and 12 hours a day analyzing the state of the Iraq war and they seem to think that withdrawing is our only viable option. What does a UPS driver in TN know that military and political analysts don't? If we were fighting a war on cardboard, I might be inclined to ask for your opinion but this is a war on something the American people know nothing about nor do we understand it and therefore our troops cannot be effective in that evironment with the current rules of engagment.

No matter how much money we spend or troops we deploy, the situation in Iraq will only escalate and the only people that can stop it are the Iraqis because they understand the general mind set of the demographic in the middle east.

Ummm...Those people that I was speaking of do not analize anything. They are politically motivated and don't know anything more than this "UPS Driver in Tn" does. At best! Talk to the troops and their commanders that are there, or have been there, and most say we need more troops. Most say the overall situation in Iraq looks good. It's Bagdhad that needs more troops. That is where 80% of the terrorism is occuring. I know plenty about what goes on there. I'm in the military and live in a military town. 95% of the soldiers I stop and talk to, or deliver to, have been to Iraq. What they about Iraq is totally different than what the liberal media says. I do agree with you that our troops can't be totally effective with the way their rules of engagement are. The rules of engagement are basically that they can't engage until they have been engaged.

As far as the Iranians engaging our troops goes....foreign fighters have been filltering in to Iraq and Afghanistan since it all started so it wouldn't surprise me it was true.