Is anyone working on the 4th of July?


Staff member
2/99¢ at the gas station?

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Never saw a Headstone that said, "I wish I woulda spent more time at work". This is directed towards our older employees. If you are really young then get all you can get but do something with it. When you get to be my age then maybe this advice will sink in.

Two Tokes

Give it to me Baby
If we work that day, I'm assuming it's double time, similar to the Friday after Thanksgiving.
They put a list up at our center
I think they are curious to see if they can get people to come in
Insane to think that people would consider doing that
Don't think it will happen
They put a list up for Christmas a few years back as well


Well-Known Member
I'm single and try to work as close to 40 hours as possible. I utilize the 9.5 list and use my 8 hour requests and I still end up working 50+ hours a week. I would never volunteer for extra shifts like company suck ups, cough @IVE GOTTA PACKAGE 4U cough
Same here.
No: kids, drug habit, gambling addiction, sex addiction.
I refuse to be a slave to my possessions and can live very comfortably working 2-3 days a week.
But UPS believes we all want to be on the clock 6 days/70 hours each week though.