

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Sorry, he is still very sharp. Do you know anyone who has been in a meeting with him, discussing policy?

These debates should put a rest to this garbage propaganda.
Yah, don't believe our lying eyes(and ears). He can't discern when to stop reading his teleprompter, reading his instructions too. You've not seen when he finished a sentence then read the instruction "pause?" Have you not seen how his staff is surrounding him now so we can't see his elderly gait when he walks? He's going to be lucky to make it to the election at the rate he's going.


Well-Known Member
Yah, don't believe our lying eyes(and ears). He can't discern when to stop reading his teleprompter, reading his instructions too. You've not seen when he finished a sentence then read the instruction "pause?" Have you not seen how his staff is surrounding him now so we can't see his elderly gait when he walks? He's going to be lucky to make it to the election at the rate he's going.
I guess we’ll find out in a few weeks.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
He is concerned about his grip on power for the next 4 years
His cruel wife is. He’s no longer mentally with us.
Sorry, he is still very sharp. Do you know anyone who has been in a meeting with him, discussing policy?

No need to apologize. I'm glad you asked.

During the very first segment of his return to the Daily Show a few months ago Jon Stewart addressed the issue of people saying how amazing Biden had been in meetings.

"Did anyone film that? Because if you're telling us behind the scenes he is sharp and full of energy and on top of it and really in control and should film that. That would be good to show to people instead of a TikTok where he goes, "Chocolate chip cookies!"


Well-Known Member
I guess we’ll find out in a few weeks.
You've extolled the virtues of Modern Monetary Theory. How'd that work out? You've insisted the covid vaccines are safe and effective. Now the large pharmaceutical companies are admitting there are safety issues. And of course when Biden was sworn in we were told the adults are back in charge(including by you as I recall). Seems, looking at the polls, most Americans are not buying it anymore. Be careful what you wish for. Yes, in a few weeks.