Its all just a sham.


Well-Known Member
Look, while I don't entirely disagree with you, it doesn't make sense that Hoffa would back Obamacare and then turn against later.

Hoffa has turned against the current Obamacare. The Obamacare that Obama, Pelosi and Reid don't want. Obama wants Hoffa to complain and bang his desk and say it is unsustainable to they can enact the next step towards what they want...... a single payer program.

Its just like Hall saying "we won't pay" "the more they make, the more we take" then come back and say how high the cost of healthcare is and UPS won't pay it and except taking control of HC with open arms.


Well-Known Member
"Teamsters, United Auto Workers, Call for Single Payer"

Teamsters, United Auto Workers, Call for Single Payer | Physicians for a National Health Program

"United Auto Workers International President Ron Gettelfinger and James Hoffa, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, both advocated creating a universal, single-payer health care system in separate speeches at the Detroit Regional Chamber’s Mackinac Policy Conference."

"Hoffa and Gettelfinger addressed health care as part of speeches Wednesday night and Thursday morning that encouraged unions and businesses to work together for common goals"

Work together.....businesses and unions for common goals. Single payer healthcare. That is what this all about. And the only way it will work is if they get the buy in of the majority. We, as always, are just being played.
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Age quod agis
No, the Unions are in bed with Obama. The "letter" from the unions is just a tactic. Obama, and Hoffa(including other union leaders) want a government run healthcare. Hoffa wants nothing more then higher wages for higher dues. Take healthcare off the table, and he and other union leaders can negotiate higher wages. Obama, wants a single payer healthcare system. They both win once they get it passed. Both have an agenda. I have watched many videos today that have painted the picture for me.

Hoffa knew that if he came out and said "I want to move all Teamsters into a government healthcare plan" he could not sell it to the rank and file. The letter is the first step towards single payer. Well, second step.

I feel like Glenn Beck with my connecting the dots approach to this, but it all seems so clear to me.

Look, while I don't entirely disagree with you, it doesn't make sense that Hoffa would back Obamacare and then turn against later. It's self destructive and has no strategic value in any plan or scheme. Most people are sheeple and would go with the flow with whatever father government comes up with. There's of course the silent majority but lets be honest...they've done more to destroy the country silently than the Dems and Reps have with their loudmouths.

I see it.
It is like the scene from the Wizard of Oz.
Who is the man behind the curtain?
And has any noticed or really asked why your Federal Med Card is now sent to a huge data base?


Well-Known Member
Look at all the parts of the current Obamacare that will do nothing but add more expense to an already broken system. Allowing adults up to the age af 26 stay on their parents plan. Pre-existing conditions. The 30 hours needed before the obligation to provide insurance. Many more. They were designed not to work. They were designed to strain a system even more then it is already strained. The only way out is forward.....forward to Single Payer System.

You have businesses screaming about the current plan. Now Unions screaming. However, it is an orchestrated choir of screams. To get the Obamacare through as it was planned from the get go.


Well-Known Member

"I don't think we are going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately."

Obama's Single Payer Health Care System : New World Order ( NWO ) - YouTube

I have tons of other videos and articles and transcripts of speeches from Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Hoffa. Do your research. Hang on, and watch how it plays out. We are in a transition, and sadly, the best bet is to continue, if republicans take over and halt progress of this plan,,,,,,,we are stuck in a pretty bad spot. I guess the stage we are in now, is to get the 1.5 million Teamsters out of employer HC. And also all the other major Unions. 12% of USA's workers are in a Union. That is a good step in the right direction for the plan.


Livin the cardboard dream
Good. The sooner this type of "what can the government do for me" society falls on its face, the sooner we can go back to doing what worked best in the past and have the government be small and severely limited. The government should only defend our borders, create and maintain infrastructure, uphold basic civil rights with the courts (not create new laws), and provide healthcare if we the people want it. I have no issues with a single payer system, but it won't work for us with our current debt load. The fed does way too much. Most of our money issues stemmed from misplaced compassion and good intentions. Much like the saying "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."


Nine Lives
Good. The sooner this type of "what can the government do for me" society falls on its face, the sooner we can go back to doing what worked best in the past and have the government be small and severely limited. The government should only defend our borders, create and maintain infrastructure, uphold basic civil rights with the courts (not create new laws), and provide healthcare if we the people want it. I have no issues with a single payer system, but it won't work for us with our current debt load. The fed does way too much. Most of our money issues stemmed from misplaced compassion and good intentions. Much like the saying "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

​If you are looking for the Republicans to do this, you are badly mistaken. They suck almost as bad as Demos.


Livin the cardboard dream
​If you are looking for the Republicans to do this, you are badly mistaken. They suck almost as bad as Demos.
I'm not terribly impressed with the're right, they're terrible these days. The days of the Kennedy's and the Reagan's are done. And even those two can be argued down. Especially Reagan. I'm not Republican anymore. But I'm not a Democrat either. I identified with Ron Paul more than the other guys but his foreign policy left a lot to be desired as he's more of a shut in...but I do agree with him that we should bring the troops home and have them do things like patrol the border, build world class dikes for New Orleans so they don't need bailed out anymore, and help the outclassed police department in problem areas.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Isn't life?? I'm a little drunk right now but the last two months or so I e been more sober than usual and it's all the same. Don't put your faith in government or politics. Just live your life like your grandfather and grandmother did. Those were the best days to live as an American. Men were men and women were women. God bless

Our grandparents paid there own way. Now it's, why work when government will take care of me? Free housing, food stamps, welfare, free cable, free utilities, free cell phone, free medical. The list goes on.

Wait until amnesty gets rammed down on us. Millions instantly eligible for all the freebies, and the votes to keep em' coming!


Well-Known Member
Hoffa stated, in the interview I posted, dropping the public option is not a deal breaker.

As I have tried to illustrate, this is actually what he wants. It is what the Obama administration wants. This is the next step towards single payer system. In time, it will be announced along these lines, "The Teamsters and other Unions will be turning over control of healthcare to the Federal government do to the current broken healthcare system". If successful, you could see as much as 10% of the working population in a government provided plan. At that point many large corporations will jump at the chance to unload their healthcare expense.

You will see Hoffa and Obama once again holding hands in unity. Just as we saw UPS and IBT at odds, but now united with the c6 plan. It is a clever plan.

1) Get foot in the door with PPAC. An act that is designed to fail.
2) Write the law in a way that it will actually cost more for insurance. Adults 26 staying on parents plan. Pre-existing conditions and the other things written.
3) Get the unions in control of HC. Easy to do as big business would be more then willing to dump unknown healthcare cost.
4) Get the unions to write letter explaining that the cost is to high.
5) Move unions into a new plan provided by the government.

1-4 are done. Next step 5.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if the Union brought the option of Teamcare to UPS from the very beginning. Of course UPS jumped at the opportunity. This would explain why Hall is adamant at pushing through the C6 plan. Hoffa has stated the biggest roadblock in any labor negotiations is healthcare. Remove healthcare from the bargaining table (the largest unknown variable expense) and it would be far easier to negotiate $'s. Higher wages, higher dues. Also higher pension payments that will help secure the future of the shaky retirement funds.

At some point, we will see that lost to a government controlled retirement.
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Well-Known Member
Hello rationing and death panels !!! Government health care --get the same for busting your a-- working --or just sitting on it --and laughing.

So much for working for cadillacs--or Cadillac plans --big brother has you