It's time. What is the outcome of the election going to be

Will Oz win?

  • Total voters


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
actually the turn-out is better than I thought it would be.....Whoever wins really should get control of the union and get ( require ) all members to vote.....also get those right to workers back into the teamsters...its embarrassing to have non-teamsters working next to real teamsters and drawing better benefits etc...


Well-Known Member
Its over 1 million teamsters probably 1.2 or 1.3. Only 190k voted. Thats down from 5 years and im sure membership is up. Im just glad oz is winning so far. That is sad only 17k out of the south. I guess they must like getting raises that dont keep up with inflation. I dont understand i voted in every election possible since i turned 18.