Jussie Smollett


Well-Known Member
Okay now apply that “social compact” argument to college for kids born in the hood by no fault of their own to a single mother.

Apply it to basically any entitlement democrats are wanting to push out and then apply it to benefitting a person in poverty, worse off than even you. Someone who never had a chance or a family. Someone who truly never learned how to function in life, went through a rough childhood or something.
I met guys from rough neighborhoods with single mothers all the time when I was in the Air Force. And I didn't grow up in easy circumstances either. After my parents divorce we lived in two rooms of an unfinished house for several years. I got sent to school all the time with no lunch money, wearing pants that were too short because my mother didn't have any money. A father filled with rage who beat on her and us all the time. And on and on. Don't talk to me about hardship, or never having a chance. What are you saying, that we should give everything to people who grew up in tough situations but give no money to people who worked hard all their lives but are now too old to work? If you want to take away from people who've done well that have assets and not give them SS that would definitely be income redistribution. But to say working class people who don't have a pot to pee in should get nothing, and blame them for having nothing when the system is set up to exploit them for others benefit leaves me scratching my head.


Well-Known Member
I met guys from rough neighborhoods with single mothers all the time when I was in the Air Force. And I didn't grow up in easy circumstances either. After my parents divorce we lived in two rooms of an unfinished house for several years. I got sent to school all the time with no lunch money, wearing pants that were too short because my mother didn't have any money. A father filled with rage who beat on her and us all the time. And on and on. Don't talk to me about hardship, or never having a chance. What are you saying, that we should give everything to people who grew up in tough situations but give no money to people who worked hard all their lives but are now too old to work? If you want to take away from people who've done well that have assets and not give them SS that would definitely be income redistribution. But to say working class people who don't have a pot to pee in should get nothing, and blame them for having nothing when the system is set up to exploit them for others benefit leaves me scratching my head.
Go forth and prosper.


Well-Known Member
If you truly believe socialism is the answer to poverty and not free markets that’s an argument. If you think it’ll better society to enter into these social compacts. Go for it vote your feelings.

I just don’t get why you’re so short sighted to see it directly benefitting you and not be able to empathize will others.
Who am I not empathizing with?

El Correcto

god is dead
I met guys from rough neighborhoods with single mothers all the time when I was in the Air Force. And I didn't grow up in easy circumstances either. After my parents divorce we lived in two rooms of an unfinished house for several years. I got sent to school all the time with no lunch money, wearing pants that were too short because my mother didn't have any money. A father filled with rage who beat on her and us all the time. And on and on. Don't talk to me about hardship, or never having a chance. What are you saying, that we should give everything to people who grew up in tough situations but give no money to people who worked hard all their lives but are now too old to work? If you want to take away from people who've done well that have assets and not give them SS that would definitely be income redistribution. But to say working class people who don't have a pot to pee in should get nothing, and blame them for having nothing when the system is set up to exploit them for others benefit leaves me scratching my head.
No I was just applying your socialist argument to all the have nots in the world. Old people aren’t special when it comes to poverty and actually have lived longer and had more of a chance than the younger folk who if propped up by socialism could be of more benefit to society than someone at the later stages of their life who only contributes a vote toward their hand out while shunning others.

You’re robbing the younger folk you seem to care about like your family members at the early stage of their life while they are trying to set up for success.


Well-Known Member
People who have had their social structure torn asunder by Colonialists.
Begging your pardon but Black families were mostly intact with working fathers in the home before liberal whites started trying to give them everything. Now look at the state of Black America. If the information I've been reading lately is correct about the coming automation revolution society may very well have to be restructured for people to survive. But in the meantime there is work to be had and record low unemployment for minorities.


Well-Known Member
Begging your pardon but Black families were mostly intact with working fathers in the home before liberal whites started trying to give them everything. Now look at the state of Black America. If the information I've been reading lately is correct about the coming automation revolution society may very well have to be restructured for people to survive. But in the meantime there is work to be had and record low unemployment for minorities.
You need to get onboard the #YangGang2020 train,too.


Well-Known Member
No I was just applying your socialist argument to all the have nots in the world. Old people aren’t special when it comes to poverty and actually have lived longer and had more of a chance than the younger folk who if propped up by socialism could be of more benefit to society than someone at the later stages of their life who only contributes a vote toward their hand out while shunning others.

You’re robbing the younger folk you seem to care about like your family members at the early stage of their life while they are trying to set up for success.
I'm not doing anything but collecting from the system I paid into since I was 16. And actually haven't started receiving anything yet, too young. And we're not robbing you, it's a pittance and something you owe as a privilege to work. Deal with it.

El Correcto

god is dead
Continental United States.

Dang, you’re uneducated.

At least I don’t live in human anatomy you freak.


Well-Known Member
I'm not doing anything but collecting from the system I paid into since I was 16. And actually haven't started receiving anything yet, too young. And we're not robbing you, it's a pittance and something you owe as a privilege to work. Deal with it.
Kill the olds and use their money. They stole it anyway.