It's called the "Fairness Doctrine" but what is fair about it? I really enjoyed the last two paragraphs of the article. Well said.
I agree with you wholeheartedly on the article.
!!!Sore spot for me!!!
Liberal Democrats make up the majority of my family and my husband's family. So consequently, we don't discuss politics with them because rational conversations are impossible. It's either their way or the highway, which I find totally preposterous and due to certain events, I don't even
see some of them any more when they come into town -
When some of these folks have come to visit we've been
ready to pull our hair out after the first hour, because
everything becomes political...
We can't take them out to dinner at a "chain restaurant" because chain restaurants represent "evil corporations"...
We don't drive a Prius (sp?) yet, so they won't ride in our vehicles...
And don't you know you're only supposed to flush once a week!!??!!
(Shades of Cheryl Crow again)!!!
We can't run the swamp cooler when they're here in the summer because that's too much of a waste of energy...
When our boy was about 10 he used the word "retarded" rather than "mentally challenged" and one of them slapped him... He was 10!! There are adults who still use this term!!
I could add to the list
but I won't...
So in a certain way, the article you posted doesn't surprise me in the least