List of UPS Hubs on Wikipedia


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
This wasn't listed. Anybody recognize the entrance?


New Jack
So, they are listing centers as hubs. Most of the Washington ones are centers. Not sure why they are listing them as hubs. My center is on there and we only send out 30 routes, not much of a hub, but there are also centers missing in WA state. Ahh the Wiki.:peaceful:
Well... it is Wikipedia. If the information needs editing one can sign on and do some editing. Change "Hubs" to "Centers", fix city names... and centers that are missing. That is the beauty (and tragedy...) or Wikipedia.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Hoax's house?

Hoax's driveway entrance used to look like that, but he had to change it. His wife got tired of strangers pulling up to their house and trying to ship packages.

Drewed got the city right. I just figured that pic would be familiar to a few members on here.........


Well-Known Member
... it is Wikipedia. If the information needs editing one can sign on and do some editing. That is the beauty (and tragedy...) or Wikipedia.

The sad part is that an increasing number of both college and high school students are citing Wikipedia as a source for their term papers; in fact, for some of these papers it is the only source cited.


Livin the cardboard dream
They're lots of centers listed for Washington. What shocks me is Vancouver being listed as a hub. I suppose they must have their own Seattle load. What constitutes a building being designated as a hub anyways? If they build more than 2 loads going in opposite directions or what? I'm reasonably certain Vancouver only puts out 20 or so routes...most of their stuff goes to probably Fife or Seattle and Portland (15 minutes away from Vanwa by the way...TuaOR is only 15 away from PorOr. It's a tight knit little community like that.) If anyone with concrete info knows more about this than I do, I would love, if for no other reason than to just know what the heck I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
hmmm, 3311 - south miami

in our system we're listed as "homestead"

even tho we're so small i guess we're still considered a hub...nice


Well-Known Member
If anyone knows Hubs and SLICS's that aren't on that list or ones that incorrect, it will be appreciated if you edit it :]


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Tualatin is a hub? I worked at Swan Island for 6 years and never thought of Tualatin as a hub. I thought all of your stuff came to 9729 went to Salem.

We have 3 centers and are currently sending about 170 routes a day out the door. We have a preload and a hub (twighlight) shift. We are almost as big as Swan Island, only we dont run a day sort off of the railroad because we cant pull triples thru Tualatin city limits.