Make your pick NOW...Who will make it to the SUPERBOWL?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
You are correct Sir! Seems to be an NFC East rule : If you're a fan of the other 3, you hate whoever is "up" at a particular point in time.

The Eagles-Giants is an old rivalry and than there is the skins but we all can unite in our loathing for the Wax Faced Jerry Jones owned cock roaches from Dallas. I think I stated that well not to much over the top .What do you think ? LOL
PS I was @ the Meadowlands when Randall kicked the 91 yard punt in 1989 .Last Eagles -Giants game( in Philly) I went to the Giants won, my car was towed and it cost me $250.00 to get it out . I also sat behind a really drunk women New York fan who said things about my mom that can be repeated here. All in all a bad day all around. It rained too. LOL


Well-Known Member
The Eagles-Giants is an old rivalry and than there is the skins but we all can unite in our loathing for the Wax Faced Jerry Jones owned cock roaches from Dallas. I think I stated that well not to much over the top .What do you think ? LOL
I'll stand by my original sentiment, your Eagles are the team to dislike. Dallas just doesn't scare me. Not saying they won't finally put it together this season, I just don't feel like it's a loss before the season even begins.
PS I was @ the Meadowlands when Randall kicked the 91 yard punt in 1989 .Last Eagles -Giants game( in Philly) I went to the Giants won, my car was towed and it cost me $250.00 to get it out . I also sat behind a really drunk women New York fan who said things about my mom that can be repeated here. All in all a bad day all around. It rained too. LOL
I turned to my brother before that punt and said I'd have 2 men deep. Parcells the "genius"? NOT!!


Staff member
Yes and no. Roy looking like a severe bust (again) Marion looking like a real potential stud. And Roy being there (relatively cheap) may be what ends up pulling johnny Knox's head out of his butt so he can become a decent receiver.


Staff member
Eagles and Skins both went down, now if San Fran can just figure out a way to beat the G-men it will be a good day all around....


Well-Known Member
Eagles and Skins both went down, now if San Fran can just figure out a way to beat the G-men it will be a good day all around....
Want to figure out how to beat the Giants? Tom Quinn's (Un)Special Teams unit(s) will make that task simple for any NFL team.