Tieguy is right Kid. Don't be surprised if you receive a letter in the mail in the near future from the Trustees for your health & welfare fund about cuts or changes in benefits. We usually receive this letter in December and I'm not expecting any good news in it. Health care benefits are a hot issue right now, especially if you have been paying attention to the grocery strike and as we all know, costs have been soaring. Kid, I don't understand how you think you are immune from this issue. As previously stated, the Trustees can change benefit levels and I believe this is an issue which can be reopened in the collective bargaining agreement, as per Article 45.
We have already received a letter from our pension fund in regards to changes in the early retirement rules. Participants will now have to wait untill 55, instead of 52, as the number of participants seeking early retirement has put an adverse effect on the net assets of the fund. Additionally, according to the actuarial valuation report I received from our pension fund, there is a greater number of retirees receiving benefits than participants whose employer is paying into the fund. This trend started in the early 1980s. The ratio is roughly 1:1 right now. If this trend continues, this is obviously a concern for future retirees. Between low interest rates, past lackluster stock market performance and the early retirement factor, our pension fund is currently struggling to reach its funding target. At least their real estate portolio seems to be holding up well, which is roughly 25% of net assets.