Marxism in America

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Lets not Leave REAGAN / BUSH out of the conversation. It was REAGAN who for the first time in history left a deficit of 3.7 trillion dollars after 8 years, and his successor running that to 5 trillion before having to raise taxes to pay it down despite running on a promise of no new taxes.

AND YET, you want to use the "democrats are the big spenders" line.

Give us a break.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Stimulus? Just throw money out there..........It was a waste. Obamacare ?? Pass it before we read it?
Let's save G.M..........................geez!!
Even now, Pelosi wanting to spend and not pay for it and she says it seriously! Demented old circus monkey!!

Despite all the name calling and mentioning that you "PARROT" the fox news channel, you still dont seem to get it. Lets clear it up once and for all.

The stimulus package that OBAMA spent was spent in three parts.

FIRST- 1/3 was a TAX CUT FOR ALL AMERICANS MAKING LESS THAN 250K a year. That includes YOU

SECOND-1/3 was used for projects around the country, roads, and such.

THIRD 1/3 WAS NEVER SPENT and still in the bank.

DO YOU GET IT? What dont you get if your still clueless?

I challenge ANYONE on this board to show that all the money was spent.

Go for it.



Staff member
Perhaps if he were just another battle field grunt you would be correct, but he was a special forces officer whose job it was to study these governments and how they came to being. He speaks from a position of authority and knowledge because it was his job to be so, while you are just another delivery driver whose job it is to make sure the boxes in your truck make it to their destination and thats it. In essence you are the battle field grunt with virtually no understanding of the system as a whole while this man would be the person running the system to ensure its continued success.
He speaks from a trained position. He is trained to look for certain things and guess what? He sees them here and disregards that which does not fit the mold.


NO, Im talking about the kind of old fart that stays in the military all his life looking for countries to attack in order to satisfy some stupid idea that guns solve problems.


He speaks from a position of stupidity.

The battlefield and main street are TWO different things. MILITARY MORONS would like all streets to be battlefields and therefore cant differentiate between the two.

At the end of the day, this man is talking about guns solving problems. They dont.

The right wing loves to hug men like this because they live in the same world of "FEAR" that they do.

Those that claim to sleep on pistols are cut from the same cloth as this maroon who probably sleeps on a bazooka.

For someone who has gun shooting chimp (or is that chump?) as an avatar you sure seem to be down on our gun shooting military. IMO guns do solve problems. They either give me the advantage or at least give me a level playing field. And yes, I sleep on my pistol. Don't come into my house uninvited. peace


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Military=Instant Credibility for Right Wingers. Anyone with military experience gets the benefit of the doubt from Conservatives, even if they are certifiably insane. Listening to Rush, Sean and their local copies pander to, suck up to, and glorify the military is enough to make almost anyone projectile vomit. It's so obvious, yet none of you even see it.

I wonder if they would love this guy:Smedley Butler on Interventionism


Well-Known Member
I challenge YOU to show how many real jobs were CREATED (not saved) by that stimulus fiasco????

CBO finds 3.7M jobs created by stimulus - The Hill's On The Money

Did the stimulus work? A review of the nine best studies on the subject - The Washington Post


golden ticket member
"Thus, the $821 billion cost of the stimulus divided by the maximum of 3.6 million jobs the CBO believes the stimulus may have saved or created equals an average of $228,055 per job.

At the lower end of the CBO’s top job-creating-and-saving estimate for the stimulus—1.4 million jobs—the jobs would cost an average of $586,428 a piece.

In February 2009, when President Obama signed the stimulus law the national unemployment rate was 8.2 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In January 2011, the national unemployment rate was 9.0 percent."

(Found it myself and so can you.)


golden ticket member
It's up for personal interpretation........there are no comments with the was sent to me and I'm just passing it along.