Media Bias


Well-Known Member
All organized religion is stupid. I don’t limit myself to Christianity. 14 year olds can’t give consent, it doesn’t matter what their parents think, it’s still rape.

I'm sure there are a lot of women still around that were married at an early age who are now in their 60's or later. maybe that can be the next wave of Me too


Well-Known Member
says the guy who used two vile insults in his previous post to attack people he disagrees with.
And what would they be? These two vile insults, that supposedly attacked people I disagree with...

Because I surely didn't see them, when I just looked back at it, not even 30 seconds ago.

Also, the reason I mentioned that it was unnecessary for him to denigrate another religion from his own, is the fact that he's practically sucking on Jesus' nuts, in nearly every post he makes - If you're gonna shill for your religion, as much as he does, it's kinda classless to :censored2: all over every other religion you don't agree with. Especially when you make a point to insert your own into every conversation you participate in, and proselytize relentlessly to those you know don't share your beliefs in God - Save that bull:censored2: for the ticket taker at the pearly gates.

Dude accused all non-Christians of encouraging/forcing young girls to get abortions, in the case they're knocked up by a statutory rapist, while saying he would rather they get married (which is rich, for so many reasons, that I don't have time right now to list).


Well-Known Member
Things aren’t looking any better for Tucker today. How many more clips are there? How much does this guy agree with @vantexan? Supports child brides, hates Muslims, etc. I guess that’s just the current GOP.
I must really be bugging you. I spent 4 months last year in two Muslim majority countries. Some of the finest people you'll ever meet. Most of them don't want anything to do with the fundamentalism that has swept the Arab world. Or the Persian world for that matter. That's what I'm concerned with, the mindset that produces terrorist killers. Today's American liberal seems determined to deny there's anything to be concerned about while constantly twisting the words of today's American conservative. One does have to wonder why that is.


Well-Known Member
And what would they be? These two vile insults, that supposedly attacked people I disagree with...

Because I surely didn't see them, when I just looked back at it, not even 30 seconds ago.

Also, the reason I mentioned that it was unnecessary for him to denigrate another religion from his own, is the fact that he's practically sucking on Jesus' nuts, in nearly every post he makes - If you're gonna shill for your religion, as much as he does, it's kinda classless to :censored2: all over every other religion you don't agree with. Especially when you make a point to insert your own into every conversation you participate in, and proselytize relentlessly to those you know don't share your beliefs in God - Save that bull:censored2: for the ticket taker at the pearly gates.

Dude accused all non-Christians of encouraging/forcing young girls to get abortions, in the case they're knocked up by a statutory rapist, while saying he would rather they get married (which is rich, for so many reasons, that I don't have time right now to list).

"Jesus nuts"


Well-Known Member
Cucker Tarlson still refusing to apologize for being a POS. Garbage fox news continues their coverage blackout.

It’s funny to watch what FOX covers...

As soon as there’s anything ‘bad’ about Trump, it’s not on FOX.

The daytime FOX journalists are not half-bad (not Fox-N-Friends), but as soon as we hit the ‘market’, it’s all positive Trump, all the time.



Well-Known Member
Put on the award winning act of just how outraged you are.
You don't care.

No, T. Carlson really is a complete bag of sh...

I will say, I think he means what he says, in which case, he's a stand-up guy in the FOX arena.

The problem is, I think he actually means what he says.

We're right back to, he's a complete bag of sh...

El Correcto

god is dead
Are y’all really crying about what media matters is saying?

Media Matters is a front group for the DNC it was founded by a progressive ideolog. They are garbage, grave digging for outrage.

El Correcto

god is dead
Let’s look at it this way.

Democrat voters elected an anti-Semite to the senate in 2018, she goes after the Jews they refuse to condemn her and pass a water downed resolution unlike the Steve King one.

Tucker Carlson is like some disk jockey from a decade ago, makes some offensive jokes and comments for that “oh no he didn’t” effect.

My money is on media matters having this info on tucker for a while and pushing it out there to flop the narrative back on to republicans as bigots. When in reality and the here and now, republicans have gone out of their way to condemn Steve King, while the mooslims gets to hate the Jews with barely a slap on the wrist. Which she cried about getting.


Well-Known Member
Let’s look at it this way.

Democrat voters elected an anti-Semite to the senate in 2018, she goes after the Jews they refuse to condemn her and pass a water downed resolution unlike the Steve King one.

Let's look at it this way:

"There's fine people on both sides", or whatever DJT said.

Gotta hand it to the Donald, he's a master of the narrative.

So, the Dems shoot themselves in the face, and all of a sudden DJT is like, look, THE DEMS ARE RACIST JEW-HATING friend-BAGS.

Which totally distracts from the fact that DJT is a RACIST MISOGYNIST BIGOT IGNORANT TOTAL friend-BAG.

Hey, all Press is good Press.

El Correcto

god is dead
So, the Dems shoot themselves in the face, and all of a sudden DJT is like, look, THE DEMS ARE RACIST JEW-HATING friend-BAGS
Well yeah, that’s the play. Not a bad one either considering how he had been raked over the social justice coals.

Which totally distracts from the fact that DJT is a RACIST MISOGYNIST BIGOT IGNORANT TOTAL friend-BAG.
Well yeah, that’s like the play here.

Donald Trump is a known womanizer who says racially insensitive things. He doesn’t campaign as anything other. Democrats on the other hand have this holier than thou progressive race views, then got caught with their hand in the anti-semite jar.

It’s not a good look. People see you campaigning as a socialist and anti-semites in your party it starts raising red flags.


Well-Known Member
Well yeah, that’s the play. Not a bad one either considering how he had been raked over the social justice coals.

Well yeah, that’s like the play here.

Donald Trump is a known womanizer who says racially insensitive things. He doesn’t campaign as anything other. Democrats on the other hand have this holier than thou progressive race views, then got caught with their hand in the anti-semite jar.

It’s not a good look. People see you campaigning as a socialist and anti-semites in your party it starts raising red flags.

Sooo, that's where we are?

At that point, it's not about D's vs R's, now we're veering into post-truth.

See, if the Donald and all his behavior is normalized, fake news, etc., and the power keeps shifting to the Executive branch, then who are you to say anything about the next Prez you don't agree with?

Maybe you like Orange Julius, maybe you don't, maybe you like his policies, maybe you don't.

And then AOC is Prez, and all the stop-gaps that Congress gave away since WWII come back to haunt you.

Sleep tight!


Well-Known Member
It’s funny to watch what FOX covers...

As soon as there’s anything ‘bad’ about Trump, it’s not on FOX.

The daytime FOX journalists are not half-bad (not Fox-N-Friends), but as soon as we hit the ‘market’, it’s all positive Trump, all the time.

The other major outlets have had to retract things they've said about him so many times that FOX has made them better journalists by calling them out. But their TDS took it too far with the MAGA hat kids, and they're going to pay some serious money most likely. You don't see FOX shelling out big money for false reporting, do you? They're more traditional, paying out money for horny men chasing skirt. :)