Media Bias

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

It’s really something how the media as well as various studies can slant something. Reading this article made me feel as if they were blaming White women for being murdered less than Black women due to “inequities”. White people, period, have very little to do with why Black women are murdered at a much higher rate. Maybe instead of looking at “inequities” they should look at Black men.


Well-Known Member

It’s really something how the media as well as various studies can slant something. Reading this article made me feel as if they were blaming White women for being murdered less than Black women due to “inequities”. White people, period, have very little to do with why Black women are murdered at a much higher rate. Maybe instead of looking at “inequities” they should look at Black men.
I wonder what the murder rate is for white women dating/marrying black men?


Well-Known Member

It’s really something how the media as well as various studies can slant something. Reading this article made me feel as if they were blaming White women for being murdered less than Black women due to “inequities”. White people, period, have very little to do with why Black women are murdered at a much higher rate. Maybe instead of looking at “inequities” they should look at Black men.
are you sure?

good chance racism is to blame at least in part


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