Missing Mark Sanford


Staff member
I don't automatically criticize or judge someone for having an affair. Unless you know them well enough to know the state of their marriage, their relationship to their spouse, etc, you really don't know anything beyond what you might read in the paper.
The hypocrisy comes about when someone who is having/has had an affair publicly attacks someone else for doing the exact same thing.


Well-Known Member
Chalk another one up for the "C Street" gang..

Fine bunch of christian boys, I tell ya :)

The more that comes out the more you begin to wonder if this group teaches or in some way encourages this type of behavior. Many religions teach a strong paternal/patiarchal leadership structure of society and family that in some cases encourages taking the belief of "it's a man's world" over the top. I have to question what these folks teach after seeing a few of the Douglas Coe Videos myself and then we learn the list of broken marriages among it's male followers continues to grow.

From this point on, whenever I hear in the news of a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC, the fact that I already thought it was a dog and pony show for us lemming, I'll think even far less of it now!

This is one national act of religious show that IMO should just end completely just on the point of taking this group that much more out of the power loop!



Here's where the problem lies.....by who's standards sets the guidelines of whats moral in our society as a whole ? ....American Evangelico Neo-conservatives?.....

what a liberal asking for an explanation on morality? Now that is funny

Are you kidding us ?....This last conservative administration blatently violated rules and laws of common decencey that is still buzzing thru the halls of the House and Senate for prosecution.....

Well duh of course they did. simply because they made a committment to actually benchmark theirselves against such principles.

The liberal has never violated any morals or principles because he/she refuses to commit to any such concepts.

The only principle a liberal committs to is one of an immoral society. They thus always adhere to their principles. :rofl:


Than would it be fair to say that most humans are hypocrites :wink2:?

In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not that I'd become my enemy
In the instant that I preach

from " my back pages" by bob dylan. I think of these lines before I get on my soapbox and preach lest i become a hypocrite for when I point a finger at a person, there are three pointing back at me. When a person's transgression becomes known. I think about what I am doing in my own life that is similar to what he did. Sort of like looking at an accident scene(wrecked truck in the ditch) and trying to figure out what he did and to make sure i am not doing that same sort of thing so that my truck won't end up in a ditch in the future"


Staff member
Think of Rachel Maddow what you want but she did an excellent job bringing more info to light about the C Street House and Douglas Coe with these interviews over 2 nights with Jeff Sharlet. What you believe in your private life is your business but once you accept public leadership, this kind of very thing should be a matter of public record and transparency. That goes for all organizations and gatherings of people of power who's members affect the public trust and come into play in the decision process of the person in public power.
Interesting follow up article from Jeff Sharlet:
[FONT=georgia, times new roman, times, serif]Sex and power inside "the C Street House"
