wily_old_vet said:
Wkmac-I think whoever sent you the email is saying that "beegdaddy" on yahoo is our very own tieguy. Don't know this for a fact but I have had that thought myself for a while. Also think he might be UPSSUP on Tnet. Even if any of this is true so what. He's entitled to speak his mind wherever he posts. Probably sent you the email since you butt heads with tie so often.
I never go to yahoo so I have no clue who is who over there. So this is a description of someone named Beegdaddy? OK so now I understand the point and you know it does seem familar from that standpoint!
Yeah I remember ole Ewave especially on the Motley Fool boards. What a card. Someone said he died. He felt against UPS he was invincible so to prove his point he stepped out in front of a UPS feeder trucking along at 70 mph. Like other things he proved to be wrong in that theory too!
As for OK2BC?
Good question. Went on vacation after Christmas and never came back. Rumor has it Tie is really Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs and he has OK down in a pit in his basement to keep him silent while he wears his championship wrestling belt and his "I'm the Real Hulk-a-mania" T shirt and playing on a continuos loop the modified Queen song "YOU ARE THE CHAMPION!" Sorry, I know like Bugsy Bunny I'm a stinker but I couldn't resist!
c ya guys and thanks wiley for helping me to figure that out about Beegdaddy and Tie. Maybe sometime I might go to Yahoo and read some of the comments there just for some fun. Based on what I remember of that forum sounds like Tie would fit in perfectly.