Need Some Help


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golden ticket member
Shortyisherenow........someone posted that the name "shortyisherenow" was being used by the infamous, former E-WAVE.......who's a real nut!

The rest doesn't mean anything to me.


Well-Known Member
so you too, remember ewave. actually I saw more of him on the fool's board, which is probably where he belonged.


Well-Known Member
Wkmac-I think whoever sent you the email is saying that "beegdaddy" on yahoo is our very own tieguy. Don't know this for a fact but I have had that thought myself for a while. Also think he might be UPSSUP on Tnet. Even if any of this is true so what. He's entitled to speak his mind wherever he posts. Probably sent you the email since you butt heads with tie so often.


Well-Known Member
wily_old_vet said:
Wkmac-I think whoever sent you the email is saying that "beegdaddy" on yahoo is our very own tieguy. Don't know this for a fact but I have had that thought myself for a while. Also think he might be UPSSUP on Tnet. Even if any of this is true so what. He's entitled to speak his mind wherever he posts. Probably sent you the email since you butt heads with tie so often.

I never go to yahoo so I have no clue who is who over there. So this is a description of someone named Beegdaddy? OK so now I understand the point and you know it does seem familar from that standpoint!

Yeah I remember ole Ewave especially on the Motley Fool boards. What a card. Someone said he died. He felt against UPS he was invincible so to prove his point he stepped out in front of a UPS feeder trucking along at 70 mph. Like other things he proved to be wrong in that theory too!

As for OK2BC?
Good question. Went on vacation after Christmas and never came back. Rumor has it Tie is really Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs and he has OK down in a pit in his basement to keep him silent while he wears his championship wrestling belt and his "I'm the Real Hulk-a-mania" T shirt and playing on a continuos loop the modified Queen song "YOU ARE THE CHAMPION!" Sorry, I know like Bugsy Bunny I'm a stinker but I couldn't resist!

c ya guys and thanks wiley for helping me to figure that out about Beegdaddy and Tie. Maybe sometime I might go to Yahoo and read some of the comments there just for some fun. Based on what I remember of that forum sounds like Tie would fit in perfectly.


Well-Known Member
wkmac: This having nothing to do with this thread, but would like to throw this out for discussion. As we all know the teamsters in retirement like to exert further control on you by not allowing you to work in various areas after retirement(basically work in the teamster related fields). However, does anyone know of any retired trustee from any local currently receiving a pension from a teamster fund and at the same time receiving a salary from that local or anyother local?


Interesting thread. Ewave and kim cotter have both disappeared off the face of the earth. I see the spineless TS aka Susan is once again starting her own conspiracy ID theories. I think Shortyisherenow is probably a disgruntled management person with a death wish. He claims to own a lot of shares of UPS stock and yet bashes the stock every chance he gets.

TS don't you hate it when you sneak around in the background like a good backstabbing liberal and your activities get brought to the light of day.

Speaking of TS and conspiracies is there any doubt that person is really Susan?


Well-Known Member
Tie-personally I don't think TS is susie, not nasty enough. Just a regular run of the mill liberal. And if TS is susie, that's cool too as long as the previous nastiness doesn't reappear.


Well-Known Member
ups79 said:
wkmac: This having nothing to do with this thread, but would like to throw this out for discussion. As we all know the teamsters in retirement like to exert further control on you by not allowing you to work in various areas after retirement(basically work in the teamster related fields). However, does anyone know of any retired trustee from any local currently receiving a pension from a teamster fund and at the same time receiving a salary from that local or anyother local?

Hey I got no problem changing the direction of this thread to retirement related issues. As to whether a trustee is double dipping, I've heard nothing but you know if it does come out I would think it would get lots of bit space on the net.

Just saw the article below about the retirement age going up as a result of people living longer and staying healthier. I'm still waiting to get closer to retirement and social security and have the age rug yanked out from under me again. I'm setting myself up now with the intent of not touching my 401k until I'm 70 1/2 but wouldn't surprise me see that age get changed to from the current 59 1/2 to somewhere into the mid-60's or maybe a little older.

Who knows, I may even hit the mandatory withdrawal age for my 401k before I even reach the qualifying age for CS and Social Security if things keep going and they keep changing.

I don't whether to just throw my hands up and :lol: or just :crying: at the whole thing!

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
Talk about conspiracies; all references to our beloved 'tieguy' in his other persona as 'beegdadday' on the yahoo board have be wiped out. The thousands of poorly written, foul-mouthed posts are no longer there!

Tie, what happened? Are you really the cleverly named 'bpupsecr0915' now?:lol: