News from the Front Line

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
There’s nothing worse than getting injured in a fake game. They should play flag, it’d be more entertaining.
I expected that reply from a pink pusillanimous hat wearer.



Well-Known Member
Hear ye hear ye, ye ole Meat character has procured temporary employment as a tax preparer.

I’m sure you’re wondering, “Meat, how is your average citizen responding to the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, now that they have seen their first return”?

Hear ye hear ye, all is NOT well.

One poor (literal and figurative) lady had to be physically removed from the premises after a semi-violent altercation when she found out the act did not help her in any way.

Another upper-middle-class dude and his wife were all smiles when they came in, as they were expecting to pay off the remaining $3000 they charged for a Disney vacation.

The problem? The husband correctly identified the amount of how much they saved in taxes under the new law, but was unaware he and his wife benefited in small amounts per check throughout the year. His attractive but edgy (euphemism) wife said “way to go Einstein” before intentionally dumping a soda on his lap and storming off - yikes!

Between the tax act being a bust (for most), and Pelosi making Trump her bitch this week, it doesn’t appear things are looking that great for the prez.

sounds like poor tax planning . As an upper middle class taxpayer I saved a ton this year. thank you Mr. President


Well-Known Member
What do you consider “upper middle class “ ??

lower third of this quadrant, it looks like the more you do with investments and self employment the better.

Defining Five Social Classes by 2014 Incomes Class description Family-of-Three Equivalents Lower bound Upper bound Poor and near-poor $0 $29,999 Lower middle class $30,000 $49,999 Middle class $50,000 $99,999 Upper middle class $100,000 $349,999 Rich $350,000 None


Fight the power.
lower third of this quadrant, it looks like the more you do with investments and self employment the better.

Defining Five Social Classes by 2014 Incomes Class description Family-of-Three Equivalents Lower bound Upper bound Poor and near-poor $0 $29,999 Lower middle class $30,000 $49,999 Middle class $50,000 $99,999 Upper middle class $100,000 $349,999 Rich $350,000 None
I asked what YOU considered upper middle class. I don’t consider upper middle class someone making 100k. Especially if they have a family


Well-Known Member
sounds like poor tax planning . As an upper middle class taxpayer I saved a ton this year. thank you Mr. President
I dont expect Trump to run again, but yes he has been a blessing in my case. I plan to cash in my taxable retirement savings even before i retire, pay the tax now while tax rates low and hope for the best.