Newt Gingrich Announces His Candidacy



Got this from wikipedia:

Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married Jackie Battley, his former high school geometry teacher, when he was 19 years old and she was 26.[103][104]

I threw that in just for you Rod because I know how you love it when penthouse fantasies are found in real life events.


Well-Known Member
I'm afriad Newt's marital baggage may prove too big a hurdle for him to overcome in the primary election cycle. Although if he were to make it as the republican candidate he would make Obama look like a fool. Every Presidential debate would end up with Obama in the fetal position in the corner sucking his thumb he would get beat so bad.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Originally Posted by moreluck
It's not your place to speculate when someone "got religion".

Remember back then Clinton was crowing about how many minorities were becoming homeowners.....yeah, that worked our real good!!


You know, Ive got to really try and not scream when i read your posts. I know you have your "opinions" about things, but man, do you have to be wrong 100% of the time?

You happen to be the most Mis-infomed person I have ever had to read.

You take everything you hear on FOX (by your own admission) and repeat it on this board over and over.

You had to make this quote? Well, here we go again, let me help you out. No spin, no fair and balanced, no right wing rhetoric, just right wing facts.

Here is your hero GW BUSH on the subject

In Bush's own words, he OWNS the housing crisis. Not Barney Frank, Not the democrats, not clinton, not fannie or freddie. BUSH himself said it very clear, he was asking fannie and freddie to INCREASE minority home ownership in the billions.

How'd that work out for ya?

Here's your hero trying to get out of responsibility for creating it:

Heres your hero trying to make jokes about the impending doom of our economy:

BUSH made a ginormous mess out of housing and the mortgage industry. He made it a point to HAND OUT downpayments for homes with taxpayer money to people who otherwise could not afford to buy a home.

This is ON HIM solely. He asked the mortgage industry to change the way it did business and make loans more accessible and eliminate the "BARRIERS" that prevent home ownership for minorities.

Moreluck, understand the reality of the housing crisis begins with rejecting the nonsense the republican party is selling.

Alot of people made tons of money during the bush administration in the housing market. It all went unregulated.

That money sucked out our economy and we are still paying for it.

Rush Limbaugh and the others link the housing crisis to the democrats and leave bush out of the discussion for a reason.

That reason?

Confuse people like you on the issue.

The housing crisis lays on BUSH's shoulders and his only. Yes, greed by everyone else both democrat and republican alike took over after it was started and for that the blame gets spread around equally.

In fact, we as americans are all to blame.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm afriad Newt's marital baggage may prove too big a hurdle for him to overcome in the primary election cycle. Although if he were to make it as the republican candidate he would make Obama look like a fool. Every Presidential debate would end up with Obama in the fetal position in the corner sucking his thumb he would get beat so bad.


which Newt are you talking about? Clearly not the former speaker who was thrown out of office? The same man who divorced his wives as soon as they got sick and were hospitalized? Surely not the man with three marriages and walking around preaching "family values"?

What is it about newt that makes you believe he is a "relevant" player in todays politics?

He was wrong about the whole birther issue. Thats gonna haunt him as well.

He will never earn more than 18% of the republican vote and will more than likely drop out of the race by the third primary.

I am a little more optimistic and say he will drop out after Iowa when he comes in behind Trump and Palin in 6th place.



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by moreluck


You know, Ive got to really try and not scream when i read your posts. I know you have your "opinions" about things, but man, do you have to be wrong 100% of the time?

You happen to be the most Mis-infomed person I have ever had to read.

You take everything you hear on FOX (by your own admission) and repeat it on this board over and over.

You had to make this quote? Well, here we go again, let me help you out. No spin, no fair and balanced, no right wing rhetoric, just right wing facts.

Here is your hero GW BUSH on the subject

In Bush's own words, he OWNS the housing crisis. Not Barney Frank, Not the democrats, not clinton, not fannie or freddie. BUSH himself said it very clear, he was asking fannie and freddie to INCREASE minority home ownership in the billions.

How'd that work out for ya?

Here's your hero trying to get out of responsibility for creating it:

Heres your hero trying to make jokes about the impending doom of our economy:

BUSH made a ginormous mess out of housing and the mortgage industry. He made it a point to HAND OUT downpayments for homes with taxpayer money to people who otherwise could not afford to buy a home.

This is ON HIM solely. He asked the mortgage industry to change the way it did business and make loans more accessible and eliminate the "BARRIERS" that prevent home ownership for minorities.

Moreluck, understand the reality of the housing crisis begins with rejecting the nonsense the republican party is selling.

Alot of people made tons of money during the bush administration in the housing market. It all went unregulated.

That money sucked out our economy and we are still paying for it.

Rush Limbaugh and the others link the housing crisis to the democrats and leave bush out of the discussion for a reason.

That reason?

Confuse people like you on the issue.

The housing crisis lays on BUSH's shoulders and his only. Yes, greed by everyone else both democrat and republican alike took over after it was started and for that the blame gets spread around equally.

In fact, we as americans are all to blame.



How about a little fairness from the left. The housing crisis easily dates back to well over 50 years. You are right that it involves trying to provide home ownership to minorities and people that truly cannot afford it---something the Republican's always fight for --right ????

I again do not like living in the past --Today the Attorney General of the United States is suing a bank over not providing money to minorities to buy homes. The suit was bought forward buy another named ACORN offshute.
What we have again is history repeating itself. Many years from now when some Republican is in office you will be claiming it is their fault ????

Democrats fight for social programs ---correct ??

Republican's do not ----correct ????

50 year housing bubble sparked by Glass/Steagle under Clinton greased the wheels that were in motion since FDR.

It is o/k to be deeply left or right leaning ----but to ignore reality ???

True Bush played along to get minority support and the bubble burst under his watch but ignoring historical facts--I am a little surprised with you--and then you accuse moreluck of being uninformed ???:dissapointed:


golden ticket member
Originally Posted by moreluck


You know, Ive got to really try and not scream when i read your posts. I know you have your "opinions" about things, but man, do you have to be wrong 100% of the time?

You happen to be the most Mis-infomed person I have ever had to read.

You take everything you hear on FOX (by your own admission) and repeat it on this board over and over.

You had to make this quote? Well, here we go again, let me help you out. No spin, no fair and balanced, no right wing rhetoric, just right wing facts.

Here is your hero GW BUSH on the subject

In Bush's own words, he OWNS the housing crisis. Not Barney Frank, Not the democrats, not clinton, not fannie or freddie. BUSH himself said it very clear, he was asking fannie and freddie to INCREASE minority home ownership in the billions.

How'd that work out for ya?

Here's your hero trying to get out of responsibility for creating it:

Heres your hero trying to make jokes about the impending doom of our economy:

I dumbed it down for anyone who still doesnt understand what happened:

BUSH made a ginormous mess out of housing and the mortgage industry. He made it a point to HAND OUT downpayments for homes with taxpayer money to people who otherwise could not afford to buy a home.

This is ON HIM solely. He asked the mortgage industry to change the way it did business and make loans more accessible and eliminate the "BARRIERS" that prevent home ownership for minorities.

Moreluck, understand the reality of the housing crisis begins with rejecting the nonsense the republican party is selling.

Alot of people made tons of money during the bush administration in the housing market. It all went unregulated.

That money sucked out our economy and we are still paying for it.

Rush Limbaugh and the others link the housing crisis to the democrats and leave bush out of the discussion for a reason.

That reason?

Confuse people like you on the issue.

The housing crisis lays on BUSH's shoulders and his only. Yes, greed by everyone else both democrat and republican alike took over after it was started and for that the blame gets spread around equally.

In fact, we as americans are all to blame.

This was not from Fox I gave the reference already to the book where it's from......I just love to make you scream and waste all of your time in research!! And, what does all this have to do with Newt?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

How about a little fairness from the left. The housing crisis easily dates back to well over 50 years. You are right that it involves trying to provide home ownership to minorities and people that truly cannot afford it---something the Republican's always fight for --right ????

I again do not like living in the past --Today the Attorney General of the United States is suing a bank over not providing money to minorities to buy homes. The suit was bought forward buy another named ACORN offshute.
What we have again is history repeating itself. Many years from now when some Republican is in office you will be claiming it is their fault ????

Democrats fight for social programs ---correct ??

Republican's do not ----correct ????

50 year housing bubble sparked by Glass/Steagle under Clinton greased the wheels that were in motion since FDR.

It is o/k to be deeply left or right leaning ----but to ignore reality ???

True Bush played along to get minority support and the bubble burst under his watch but ignoring historical facts--I am a little surprised with you--and then you accuse moreluck of being uninformed ???:dissapointed:

Good points. You are correct. Housing and the "home ownershp" has been an election scam for decades. I agree with you here. Under clinton, yes he was pushing for more home ownership, but he did not do the things that Bush did to make it a disaster.

In 2002, bush created "the home ownership society" where all the groundwork for the housing bubble was created. Now, I dont blame him 100% for the collapse, just for the creation, as greed took hold of the banks, the mortgage writers, the appraisers, the real estate salespeople , developers and the general buying public.

Bush had a plan to add 7 million NEW construction homes to the market, 5.5 million were suppose to be for low income minorities and "recently arrived immigrants" who work for cash. (HIS WORDS, NOT MINE)

Bush said he was going to remove the "barriers" to home ownership, like downpayments, low interest only loans, teaser rates, and the best of all "the downpayment assistance act" where the US taxpayers would give 40,000 to low income minorities for downpayments. ( whos the socialist?)

Bush instructed the industry to remove "regular qualifications" for applications, like paystubss, W2's or business records.

He may have only been doing what has been done in the past, but he enhanced the process creating the biggest economic disaster since the great depression.

Today, MILLIONS of homes sit empty, blocks and blocks of empty foreclosed homes are in california and cannot be sold.

We have to place blame where blame is due.

Thanks for taking the time to view the info.



Staff member
It's not your place to speculate when someone "got religion".

Remember back then Clinton was crowing about how many minorities were becoming homeowners.....yeah, that worked our real good!!

Seems to me that you brought up minorities becoming homeowners. And then suggested that was a bad thing. So, no. I didn't bring it up.


golden ticket member
Minorities were the, hispanic, whatever. The bleeding heart Dems wanted all men to experience the glory of home ownership......except somebody forgot about the responsibilities of making payments. They just wanted all to own homes. Well, not everybody is cut out to own a home. Some people are renters and will always be. They don't have a color in common, they have a mindset in common..........they don't pay their bills and they buy every 'toy' under the sun.

The loans for homes MUST require some monetary downpayments from future buyers ..... if you have no money tied up in a home, you'll just walk away. They Need a set amount downpayment.....we always did 20% down. The way we got it was to not buy toys and scrimp and save while all of our friends were buying new cars and bigger TV. Then we got the downpayment and bought a house while friends got some kind of gov't subsidy and got into an identical house for no money down. Do I sound p.o.'d ?? You bet I do !!!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Minorities were the, hispanic, whatever. The bleeding heart Dems wanted all men to experience the glory of home ownership......except somebody forgot about the responsibilities of making payments. They just wanted all to own homes. Well, not everybody is cut out to own a home. Some people are renters and will always be. They don't have a color in common, they have a mindset in common..........they don't pay their bills and they buy every 'toy' under the sun.

The loans for homes MUST require some monetary downpayments from future buyers ..... if you have no money tied up in a home, you'll just walk away. They Need a set amount downpayment.....we always did 20% down. The way we got it was to not buy toys and scrimp and save while all of our friends were buying new cars and bigger TV. Then we got the downpayment and bought a house while friends got some kind of gov't subsidy and got into an identical house for no money down. Do I sound p.o.'d ?? You bet I do !!!!!


why do you beat a dead horse? If youre P.O.'d, go to crawford and complain to that drunk why he ended the 20% down payment requirement. You keep saying "the dems"....?? are you serious? I posted three videos where George W. Bush, his administration and his advisors created the home ownership society, they stated they wanted 5.5 million new low income minorities to buy homes, they stated they knew down payments were a barrier so they were going to eliminate those barriers with no questions asked.

Thats the whole "enchilada" moreluck. A pure admission of responsibility, yet you keep saying "the dems" WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN.

Where do you get your logic?

Show me a democratic president that called for 5.5 million new low income minority homeowners in 5 years? Show me a democratic president who said he was ordering the creation of new "financial instruments" to help low income minorities get a home loan? Show me a democratic president who asked freddie mac and fannie mae to set aside billions of dollars for minority homeowners?

Please dont humor me with glass/stegal. Save yourself the embarrassment.

The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (Republican of Texas) and in the House of Representatives by Jim Leach (R-Iowa) in 1999. The bills were passed by a Republican majority, basically following party lines by a 54–44 vote in the Senate[19] and by a bi-partisan 343–86 vote in the House of Representatives.[20] After passing both the Senate and House the bill was moved to a conference committee to work out the differences between the Senate and House versions. The final bill resolving the differences was passed in the Senate 90–8 (one not voting) and in the House: 362–57 (15 not voting). The legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999.[21]

YOU SAID that minorities were targeted by dems, and this is not true. GW BUSH clearly gave a number he wanted and programs to achieve those goals..

They were are all FAILED policies.

Glass/Stegal had nothing to do with Bush's "home ownership society".

There are plenty of "white" americans walking away from homes across this country in larger numbers than minorities, in case you needed reminding.

In your area, as well as san diego, has the second highest rate of foreclosures in the country and its predominately white.

So get off the high horse. Million dollar homes are vacant in your area and selling for 500K nowadays.

Its no longer a prestigest area.



Engorged Member
Ooops. Maybe you could fill me in on why it's a bad thing for "minorities" to be homeowners. I thought the housing problem was partially caused because people who couldn't afford houses were given loans they couldn't pay back. Had nothing to do with their balance sheet? It was the color of their skin? Guess we should have been happy on the plantation. Now, moreluck, I'm not suggesting that you are a racist, but when you post such ignorant dribble, one does not have to twist your words one bit to begin to look askance at where you are coming from. I'm quite certain you meant something different so in the future please post what you really mean.

Ignorant dribble is the norm here.


Engorged Member
I'm afriad Newt's marital baggage may prove too big a hurdle for him to overcome in the primary election cycle. Although if he were to make it as the republican candidate he would make Obama look like a fool. Every Presidential debate would end up with Obama in the fetal position in the corner sucking his thumb he would get beat so bad.

You are absolutely dreaming. Now you've got Ron Paul, and probably Huckabee (in the next couple days) announcing they are going to run. Think they have a snowball's chance in Hell? Oh, and Romney stepped in it big time today with his "explanation" of Romneycare and how it differs from Obamacare. You've got absolutely N-O-T-H-I-N-G, and there's nothing in the pipeline but more losers. Maybe you can convince Charlie Sheen to be your candidate?


golden ticket member
I don't think Huckabee will run....He plans to announce his decision during his Saturday show on Fox.
They are talking to Christie and trying to recruit him.

I do agree that Mitt should've said about the healthcare in his state, we tried, it didn't work and that's how I know it won't work for the country.


Engorged Member
I don't think Huckabee will run....He plans to announce his decision during his Saturday show on Fox.
They are talking to Christie and trying to recruit him.

I do agree that Mitt should've said about the healthcare in his state, we tried, it didn't work and that's how I know it won't work for the country.

Christie has taken over a Pizza Hut in Hoboken and is refusing to leave until they bring in a truckload of pepperoni. He's got hostages and is threatening to sit on them if he doesn't get what he wants.


Well-Known Member

I do agree that Mitt should've said about the healthcare in his state, we tried, it didn't work and that's how I know it won't work for the country.

Because 6.5 million people is clearly a case study for 300 million people; and one try vindicates all other tries before having been tried.

Ask yourself; if this country lost one battle during the Revolutionary War and gave up because "Well, it didn't work that one time," it might make sense to keep trying for the utopian goal of "universal" healthcare.
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Well-Known Member
And, if by changed, you mean variously divorced? Sure. Maybe he'll change next month, too.

edit: Family values, don't doubt.
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Lue C Fur

Evil member
Christie has taken over a Pizza Hut in Hoboken and is refusing to leave until they bring in a truckload of pepperoni. He's got hostages and is threatening to sit on them if he doesn't get what he wants.

So you make snide remarks on a persons weight., a Republican that is black is a "Token", and then you accuse people of not liking the Messiah because he is black...get some help.