Noob TCD Questions

So as the thread title states I'm the newest of the noobs, a rookie TCD barely out of Integrad and still in the first half of my 30-day qualification period (okay, tomorrow is Day 8). I don't even know enough to be dangerous at this point. Between what I hear/see at my hub, and what I see posted here, I have a few questions...1) what is a 9.5 driver? 2) what is a "guaranteed" salary? The driver sup mentioned in PCM last week that TCD pay is now over $30/hour, I said something like "nice" and another driver said "yeah, but that's not guaranteed". ?? 3) I don't have a clue how unions work. I'm a retired (nearly) 30-year Army vet, never dealt with being in a union before. When/how am I "in the union"? Can I even be in the union as a TCD? Are you enrolled automatically? Do I have to work a certain time at UPS before I can join the union?

That's just off the top of my head for the moment...I'm sure there will be more that comes to mind as I progress through the misery of my 30 days. Thanks all in advance.


Well behaved women rarely make history


Well-Known Member
We couldn't tell you unless we know where you are

Casuals are treated differently all over the country. Where I am they can only work one year. Then hired permanent or let go. Then I've heard of places where drivers are TCD for 10 years.