Oberman's a Bad Ass


Well-Known Member
Biased news maybe...Liberal media, I doubt it. All you need to do is look at who owns/runs the major media outlets. A handful (Disney,CBS Corperation,News Corperation,Time Warner, and General Electric) of corporate conglomerates own the majority of mass media outlets.The majority movers and shakers of these corps certainly are not registered Dem's or Liberals. How can you call everyone but Fox "The Liberal Media"? Such a uniformity of ownership means that stories which might not be to the benefit of these large corporations may not be run. In the United States the media is operated for profit, mostly funded through the sale of advertisments. Do you think the corperate owned media outlets can ruffle the feathers of it's sponsors and bedfellows? This is why internet outlets such as The Daily Kos, Huffington Post,The Drudge Report,etc whether you agree with them or not ,are not regulated by "big poppy" corperate hacks. An equilizer, a fact finder, or news and info you might not get from the big players on network and cable news.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
My comment about the liberal media is because of my personal opinion of what I see and read. I have a good friend of mine whose wife is a copy editor at CNN in Atlanta. She admits that they are biased toward a liberal agenda and purposely overlook anything good that our present administration has accomplished. They even stood up and cheered in the newsroom when Ronald Reagan passed away from his terrible illness. CNN is not biased? Think again.


My comment about the liberal media is because of my personal opinion of what I see and read. I have a good friend of mine whose wife is a copy editor at CNN in Atlanta. She admits that they are biased toward a liberal agenda and purposely overlook anything good that our present administration has accomplished. They even stood up and cheered in the newsroom when Ronald Reagan passed away from his terrible illness. CNN is not biased? Think again.

What a crock, how can you believe that. Watch what they put on the air, not what you want to believe.

Cheering when a former President died? I doubt that. I think maybe the kool aid has worked on you.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
What a crock, how can you believe that. Watch what they put on the air, not what you want to believe.

Cheering when a former President died? I doubt that. I think maybe the kool aid has worked on you.

Not a kool aid drinker here. I have known this couple for years. Both of our oldest sons went from Cub Scout to Eagle Scout over a period of ten years and we were all Troop Leaders and spent a lot of time together. He is my county's Assistant DA and and very conservative. She has been with CNN for about ten years and is very liberal, that comment was made in my presence. They say opposites attract, and this couple certainly proves that.


Well-Known Member
I gave up on watching TV news years ago, I read pretty much everything now. I watched some of the debates, and I watched O'reilly's interview of Clinton, outside of that I've never seen his show except for some clips on youtube. I've never seen Olbermann either.

I read the Washington Post everyday on my lunch break, and online I scan the AP headlines and the BBC for some international perspective. My wife subscribes to Salon, which I read for Glen Greenwald and the cartoons :wink2:.

TV news is awful these days, the bias on both sides just seems to get worse and worse. It's well on it's way to becoming talk radio with graphics. I hear people rooting for their favorite news channel like it's a sports team, as if the news is a game that "they" have to win so the "other side" can lose, and I wonder if anyone realizes that the loss of objectivity that occurs when the news just becomes one more piece of spinnable propaganda means that we all lose. Except for people like O'reilly and Olbermann, who are making millions off this whole pathetic spectacle. You can have it.

I'm kinda like you Jones as working nights just doesn't find me watching a lot of TV to begin with. Outside of C-Span, History
Channel and likeminded channels I find most TV mind numbing. Like yourself I also enjoy Greenwald of Salon and the internet has proven a vast resource of alternative information that is putting the traditional sources out of business.

To the general group,

I knew who Keith Oberman was but until this thread I had never watched him and after today I doubt that will change. However, his self grandizing tirade aside, he had numerous valid points and as of yet, his adversaries here have yet to dispute many of those points. Hats off to D for having the ballz to post the youtube vid. and take the heat for it.

Had the MSM (Main Street Media) done their jobs as guardians of the gate in the aftermath of 9/11 and inspite of the threat of looking bad initially as Oberman is so painted by many here, the real truth whereever it may lay might have come out and then at the very least the direction taken would have been one based not on a one sided viewpoint but rather one based a direction after all points of view and facts had been publically vetted. Instead the media remained silent with the party line out of fear of losing access which is the only thing left that they hold over the alternative media and that is losing it's luster as well.

Saddam Hussien has IMO as much as admitted his WMD program was a calculated rouse, a smoke screen if you will in which he played a game of Russian Roulette with the Americans to keep the Iranians at bay and from knowing and exploiting his real weakness. A paper military tiger. I have no problem of a President after the fact coming before the nation and admitting that Hussien had conned him and his adminstration as well on WMD but that at the time they were not willing to risk American lives based on what they believed. Everyone makes mistakes and even honest ones and had Bush at the time come forth and admitted the truth, I'd be his biggest fan for his honesty alone.

Instead, the reasons changed from bringing democracy to the Mideast to saving a savaged people to stopping islamo-terorist. First, it was WMD and that proved wrong as Hussien and the FBI most recently revealed to the American people among numerous other things. Then is was Iraq was the seat of power for Al Qaeda and that has proven overstated to say the least. Sure, they are there but it was after the fact and their presence and power not near to the scale as some in the adminstration tired to sell us on.

As for his savage brutality of his people, now that is true but when has brutal gov't been a cause for us to enter and unseat a sitting gov't and then make that nation a protectorate of our own country? Be very careful of what precedence you set as Obama's ideas in this area may not be the same as your own and then it's either you or your children at arms in these far off lands on a mission that has no bearing to national security at all if he becomes President. Darfur seems a constaint mention from his lips.

Lastly, to advance democracy. This again becomes a very dangerous game as to how far we will go around the world in the name of democracy. Who will we invade or who will we push to advance that cause? That is Trokskite Internationalism now known as Neo-Conservativism and it's scope of internationalism. Again it comes to precedence and once the genie is out of the bottle, it never goes back in without a fight and lots of pain and suffering. What republicans set as precedence today, a democrat world tomorrow will use just as many democrats learned the hard way about Bosnia and Kosovo of the 1990's and the Bush world of today. Many see now that Clinton wasn't the Nirvana they thought he was.

Bush can't admit the WMD issue was a mistake nor can he divest himself of the other issues because to do so would then require our gov't and western European powers to give up their protectorate of Iraq and turn it over either to the international community (and yes they would screw it up most likely) or just everyone walk away and let the chips fall in Iraq where they may. But we won't do that for 2 simple reasons and everyone knows it but refuse to say it and thus we get down to really what the war was all about in the first place.

Saddam once stated that there will come a day when reality will show the best course for Iraq was for him to remain as President. As of now and not knowing the future, his words have ironically and saddly shown to be true.



Well-Known Member
By discouraging others not to expand their news info and relying on the Fox News Channel as your only source of news is like using MAD Magazine as a legitimate source of news.

OK, that does it! I've had about enough of you Diesel. I can tolerate a lot of your verbal crap but now you've gone to far and defamed the great Mad Magazine. I'm coming south to kick your ARSE!!!!!


Hmmmm! Is that O'Reiley or Hannity in that picture tube? Could be Gibson also. But then you could change the network logo and it would apply equally well at those venues and their personalities too!

Only 2 good things at Fox News IMO. Col. Hunt who tells it straight and Judge Napalitono who is a judical breathe of fresh air! Outside of that, not much else worth reading at FoxNews website.


Well-Known Member
WKMAC said:
OK, that does it! I've had about enough of you Diesel. I can tolerate a lot of your verbal crap but now you've gone to far and defamed the great Mad Magazine. I'm coming south to kick your ARSE!!!!!

"Bring it"....:clubbing:....LOL
OK,I couldn't find a good one of Ted Koppel and Al E. but I did find this one already put together.


BTW......I have another rant by Olberman (this time I'll spell his name right)..Only his beef is with a Democrat this time. I would not use or envoke the word assasination or Bobby Kennedy in the same sentense nowadays unless you want to make "The worst person in the World" segment on Countdown with Keith. Enjoy all you Clinton haters.:taz:

Clinton, you invoked a nightmare
May 23: In a Countdown Special Comment, Keith Olbermann reviews how many times Hillary Clinton has referenced Robert friend. Kennedy in her campaign – and how the most recent mention of him and his assassination was inexcusable.

By Keith Olbermann


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I absolutely cringed when I heard her comment about Kennedy. I was sure she most likely didnt mean it the way it came out.:surprised:


Well-Known Member
I absolutely cringed when I heard her comment about Kennedy. I was sure she most likely didnt mean it the way it came out.:surprised:

Ditto that Tooner. I know what she meant to say but in our world today she should have found a better way to say it. Ron Paul was asked a similar question about his continuing after Huck left the field and Ron's reasons were a similar suggestion but his kinda hinted more that something about McCain's political past would come out or at least that's how I took it.

The real reason of course was to build a position giving Ron a speaking spot at the convention which as of now seems like it may happen. Had he withdrawn back say after Super Tuesday when it was no secret that he couldn't win, that would never have happen so it shows that sometimes people run for more than just getting elected. Reagan's 76' convention speech made possible by his 76' run set the stage for 1980' and the whole conservative movement just as Clinton's convention speech made it possible for him to make the show in 92'.


I misspelled too! My apologies to Mr. Olbermann. I'll watch the vid later as I just put the corn on the cob on the grill (in the husks of course) and I've got to start prepping the steaks. T-Bone $6.99 a pound to my shock and I got me one right at 2 lbs. for me that'll leave plenty for steak and eggs in the morning. :wink2:

After that it's cold Budweiser and the Coca Cola 600. Congrats to Scott Dixon @ Indy and ashame Danica got knocked out. Sure looked funny those 2 big dudes hurding little Danica behind the wall as she headed down pitroad to kick some Penske butt!


Hated to see Sarah Fisher get knocked out as we use to watch her at 17 years old run the winged Sprinters. It would have been neat if Mera had won but Dixon's a good guy too.

Enjoy the evening everyone!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I was listening to Newt, and we all know he hates her, but he said it was purposely said, that she was too smart to make that comment. He also said her saying it gives rise to the sickos out there who would assassinate anyone. I hardly think sickos are watching the news, but heh, they could be.
Im not a hillary fan, I just think she meant to say, anything could happen. I think she is now solidly done.
I think Mccain is now a prime candidate for assassination if something that bad could happen with all the security they all have. But with people actually calling him Bush3, I think some loon could try.


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