ORION turned off !


Well-Known Member
Some areas come off very fast but 230 stop in under 7 hours and no helper. That's "runner" my friend.

I like to be off early as well but I like to be safe and not feel beat up at the end of the week.
Look , man i really wasn't running, also , somehow, i only used the cart once today . No heavy packages.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
No one will believe you. 230 in under 8 hours without running is impossible.
My previous route was 100% resi and is about as condensed as neighborhoods could be. I’m talking about houses that are so close together and to the street they are barely to code. But there’s no way anyone can complete 230 stops that quickly without running and/or skipping lunch on that route.

Ancient Alien

UPS Vacation
I done 230 stops in 6h30 mn , and when i went back to the building, i told my supervisor that for the first time, i feel the Orion was good today. Guess what he said ? The Orion was off on my route lol. Then i told him please keep it off . Hhhh
Wow! That's terrific. Let's see here, that's just under 34sph. Must be almost all resis.

I only had 128 today. Our center lightened us up and they're using max routes so we have extra time throughout the day to hand wash and stay safe. Our Christmas party was scheduled after peak in late January(due to the virus) they had it this afternoon. They like to do it after Monday and before Friday so the troops can get off for the weekend and not be stuck anymore at UPS than what needs to be. They feathered all routes in at staggered times so we could eat with minimal contact with other employees. Some drivers only had 7-10 stops in town left but were asked to take 40-minutes to deliver them so folks in building could eat and be gone.

It was catered by our best local restaurant, bite-size steak, boiled shrimp, salad... huckleberry cheesecake it was da bomb. Saftey committee and all the bosses did the serving. PT night supe even fished my iced tea out of the ice barrel and wiped the sides down with a wet wipe.

Of course we couldn't cut up and tell a joke or three like usual but I'm not about scarfing my food down and running. So, I had to ask my center manager what his thoughts were an outsider was going to be CEO? I wasn't trying to be a smart guy but all the years there... management folks goal was to work as instructed and move up the food chain in the hopes to land at corporate or at least oversee Hawaii.

Oddly enough he shocked me saying he's at 28-years with 10-years left and there is nowhere he'd rather be than right here as center manager.

It was another really good day.