Part time sup or stay union?


Thinking about becoming a part time sup. Would bump my pay up about 200$ each week which I could use asap. Problem is with the new contract full time jobs are coming. Is it better to wait it out and go full time inside, or wait to drive obviously which could take longer. How does the progression pay wise in management compare to a full time inside employee? Give me some scenarios. What should I do??

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Thinking about becoming a part time sup


eats packages

Deranged lunatic
FT Shift / Dispatch / Onroad sup could be fine but going from small fry to small fry really is not going to help.

I suggest you pick the longest shift in the building and double when possible.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Thinking about becoming a part time sup. Would bump my pay up about 200$ each week which I could use asap. Problem is with the new contract full time jobs are coming. Is it better to wait it out and go full time inside, or wait to drive obviously which could take longer. How does the progression pay wise in management compare to a full time inside employee? Give me some scenarios. What should I do??
Work you way up to Division Manager and beyond! You can do it!


Well-Known Member
I started out as a part time sup. Don’t do it. I’m thankful every day that I got the opportunity to be an hourly employee. Your chances for advancement in supervision are very limited for a variety of reasons. Stay hourly, get all the benefits, be happy. The temporary increase in pay is not worth it. The money will be there in time.


Active Member
Stick with union. I was a pt sup for seven years. Dispatch, preload, twilight, PTPCS, even honorary TSG tech. I kept asking to be moved when things got boring. I was passed up when “outsider” opportunity came up. FT sup said I did too much for center to let me go driving. It was a small center...about 19-22 routes, so there wasn’t a need for another FT sup. I ended up quitting. I found a better job in a bigger city, but always had the itch to come back to the brown side. Applied to preload and got a ft driving position within a year.