Part time worker

BJ Hill

New Member
I am a member of the union, part time worker in Florida for 13 years. I have 12 years until retirement. If I stay part time, how can I figure out how much my pension will be?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I am a member of the union, part time worker in Florida for 13 years. I have 12 years until retirement. If I stay part time, how can I figure out how much my pension will be?
first you have to figure out what supplement your in

Been In Brown Too Long

Ex-Package Donkey
I am a member of the union, part time worker in Florida for 13 years. I have 12 years until retirement. If I stay part time, how can I figure out how much my pension will be?
Here, NorCal, the Teamsters Pension office has one day a month where they set up appointments at our local to discuss all things retirement. Usually it's for people that are within a few years of retiring, but I know people that have gone really early. I'd recommend that you go and get the information for yourself. Rumors, word of mouth, forums, etc all tend to give information that's not entirely accurate.


Inordinately Right
I am a member of the union, part time worker in Florida for 13 years. I have 12 years until retirement. If I stay part time, how can I figure out how much my pension will be?
Log in to
In the search bar type retirement calculator.
First result should be what you're looking for.


Staff member
The UPS Pension Plan will be improved to provide monthly benefits for part-time employees not covered by Teamster Pension Plans as follows: The benefit formula in the UPS Pension Plan for current or future part-time employees who are participants will be increased effective August 1, 2004 to fifty-five dollars ($55.00) for each year of past and future Credited Service to a maximum of thirty-five (35) years of Credited Service. The benefit formula in the UPS Pension Plan for current or future part-time employees who are participants will be increased solely for purposes of the monthly accrued benefit, effective August 1, 2008 to sixty dollars ($60.00) for each year of future Credited Service to a maximum of 35 years of Credited Service. If a participant is in Covered Employment on August 1, 2008, he shall receive the sixty dollars ($60.00) benefit formula for the entire 2008 plan year.The total monthly service pension benefit will be equal to the following provided the employee meets the Credited Service requirement.
$2275 for retirement at any age after 35 years of part-time Credited Service
$1950 for retirement at any age after 30 years of part-time Credited Service
$1625 for retirement at age 60 with 25 years of part-time Credited Service
$1325 for retirement at any age with 25 years of part-time Credited Service


Well-Known Member
Why do you consistently try to derail some of the best topics on this site? The question this guy is asking is something that every part-time employee has been left in the dark about, so do you think this is moderating a thread?
Any memeber can take about 2 minutes and find all this information in their contract book . On top of that why would you trust and take retirement advise from someone llonline rather than your contract book/ shop steward or business agent ?