First let me express my sorrow to see so many good UPSers hit the door. I hope and pray that you all will find better jobs elsewhere.
As to your extrapolation of the numbers of new members to this board, let me give you some interesting information.
By the admin powers invested in me it breaks down like this.
There were 29 posters that were here before Jan, 2006 that posted 30% of the posts.
Then there were 45 registered posters since 2006 that posted on the thread for 39% of the posts. While not all of these were in the tsc or tsg crowd by their own admission, they did post on the thread so they will be counted as TSG, For now that number is insignificant to any of the other discussions.
By far the most posters were the unregistered crowd with "54" posters posting 29% of the posts. The problem with counting these is that it could be all one person, or as many as 54. There is no way to tell. They could also be some of the registered users but used other means to get into the site and did not use the registered name.
So really, as far as new support personnel as members of this site, there are only 45, of which 24 only posted three times or less, with 13 only posting once.
There are at last count I think 1073 registered members, which would put your group at about 4% of the crew here. Even if all of the posters not registered had been different folk, you would at max be 10%.
My best guess is that we have close to 65% drivers, 8-10% retired or the wives of retired, 12-15% management, and the rest divided between part time, support personnel such as yourself etc. But there is no way to know for sure.
Interesting stats though, and I hope you understand that with the stats above, those of us in other jobs really do hate what is happening, and most of all the way it was handled.
Best to you in your future!