I know this has been said over and over again but PAS will NEVER be perfect. There are too many outside factors affecting the package before it gets to the preloader. They count miss-slaps (PAL on wrong box) against us which should really go against the SPAers. In many people's opinion this company threw away IMMENSE amounts of money that could have been better used elsewhere. They are trying all kinds of things to get misloads down...so far none have worked. No matter what they do this system will not work at the pace they are looking for. If the SPA people had more time, there would be no (or less at least) miss-slaps. Preloaders can't be babysitting everyone else's jobs, we don't have time. Hell even hold the slide people responsible for checking them too, I have worked the slide and have WATCHED people sort a box PALed to say Auburn when the shipping label clearly said MILFORD to the boxline and it most likely would have been loaded if I didn't make the person aware. It can't just be aimed at the preloader.
If human error wasn't bad enough the computer system itself screws things up too (system flips) Example: Park Street PALed to Park Ave, the tracking numbers and zip (for us preloaders who used to know the zips and streets lol) may match however, it is NOT the same street (least in the city in question) resulting in a misload. Happens all the time.
With all this simplifying we've actually take this job and made it more complicated. Not to mention created about 50 different types of unnecessary reports. Also it solved none of the problems preloaders had: over bulked trucks, adding and cutting splits off of trucks at the last minute, blown out stop counts, they ALL still happen daily. So aside from being easier to learn...what part of this is better than the old system? Because on top of all that we now have the misload problem as well which before PAS was nonexistent at my hub. Thats not to say there weren't misloads but nowhere near as many as there are now.
I know preloaders are the last line of defense, but you expect us to do more now in the same amount of time AND want us to catch the mistakes....makes no sense. If UPS wants it done right then give us the time to do it right or shut up about it already because most of us are tired of giving you our best and then some only to hear that we sucked (or were least best). Its sad but many really take no pride in what they do nor care about the work either. The only reason we (the few that still do care somewhat) try to do a good job is so our drivers don't have to run misloads, we could care less about management's numbers.