It will be our first peak with PAS, they implimented on Halloween night...of all nights...brought in 15 suits to ride with us, it was blind leading the blind for alot of us. Now that they have changed all of our routes and they expect us to be under an hr everyday..Our overall day for most of us has decreased. Iam losing about $200 a week and I was one of those that would occasionally work a couple of 9.5's a week. UPS has said that they are targeting a peak for us to only work 9 hrs a day and after peak, working only 8 - 8.5 a day. UPS brought in a manager from Washington State that does not want to be where he is now. He treats all hourly plus his mgt team like we are all idiots, even every remark from him is sarcastic, and he has already told us that we are the worse center in our district. We know he is there to make himself a name for himself and get the hell out! None too soon I might add and he will not be the first or the last. So, those of you who have yet to go to PAS, beware, your misloads and missed packages will increase, they will hound you on duplicate stops, they will hound you about being on trace, going a little easier on rural route traces.
Just think about the money that UPS is saving as they cut hours and then for piling on the stops on those of us that used to run 85 stops a day to over 130 now, and its not even peak season. It is truly the worse moral in the 25 years that I've been around. I guess get thru peak and just hope things get better or santa runs over the new manager on his way home...LOL
Just think about the money that UPS is saving as they cut hours and then for piling on the stops on those of us that used to run 85 stops a day to over 130 now, and its not even peak season. It is truly the worse moral in the 25 years that I've been around. I guess get thru peak and just hope things get better or santa runs over the new manager on his way home...LOL