Peak Volume in Your Area?


Well-Known Member
The volume in our center (central Calif) has been down from last years. Whats the story in your center? I know some individual routes are going out heavy, but what about overall volume?


Well-Known Member
It seems slow here as far as deliveries go. Maybe they finally got there heads out of there asses this year or it is just really slow. Hard to tell at this place. The Brown stinks really bad here.

My pickups were heavy today though and we had regular drivers come in and sweep the UPS stores. I'm betting we're going to get completely hammered next week and we won't be prepared for it. Just another day in Paradise!

old brown shoe

30 year driver
Because of the bad weather around the country and in our own area we were told there is late volume. The weather this next week is suppose to be one storm after the other. Bright side is that you can only work 60 hours a week and most of us are close to that now. The volume seems a little less than normal.


Well-Known Member
Had a driver with 400 pickups today on a saturday. We had 4 full trailers full of pickups for just today and only had about 10 drivers to pick it all up.


Well-Known Member
68,000 expected to be 90,000 next week. So busy here they are shifting work to other buildings to be processed. It is safe to say, business is booming in NY.......


Well-Known Member
Central Florida is down in my building. A good friend is a postal worker and he said that they are also way down this year. Fed Ex also says that they are down. I guess Grandma gets less goodies this year!


Well-Known Member
i picked up 400 pkgs at 3 ups stores on saturday 12 cube was almost full 3 other drivers each came back with about 300 pks volume way up in chicago west suburbs
here in West Texas the increase in volume started 2-3 weeks BEFORE Thanksgiving this year, about two weeks early. We started seasonal people two weeks earlier also. We've worked intown drivers the last three saturdays. Even though our daily average is down from last year the overall package count is up.


Retired 23 years
I was a bad boy last year (wife says I've been having way too much fun) so I'm sure the volume under the Christmas tree will be way down for me. P.S. It was worth it.:happy2:


Bringin Teh_Lulz
Volume is roughly the same here at the Jax Hub on day sort...Was talkin to a shifter yesterday and he said our twilight sort ran 440,000 friday....took 7 hours (5pm-12pm) to process it all