Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Had a local sporting goods store order like 16 hoverboards, last Christmas. As I was carting them all in, one fell off my cart in front of the owner. The guy flipped out because they cost $500, blah, blah, blah. I just looked at him and told him that fall was probably the gentlest fall that thing experienced in its trip from China.

If people only saw what FedEx's own automation does at the ramps...

It's why I always have a laugh when some gets canned for getting caught tossing a package on camera.
They only get canned because they were dumb enough to get caught on camera. Lol.


Well-Known Member
So much for light, they sent a blast text out to all the t-s guys asking, no begging for help. I eventually showed up knowing that they wouldn't kill me and just send me to held a few guys. Oh well OT all day


Well-Known Member
Had a local sporting goods store order like 16 hoverboards, last Christmas. As I was carting them all in, one fell off my cart in front of the owner. The guy flipped out because they cost $500, blah, blah, blah. I just looked at him and told him that fall was probably the gentlest fall that thing experienced in its trip from China.

"I'm sorry, sir, I will try to be more careful." would have been the appropriate response.


Well-Known Member
"I'm sorry, sir, I will try to be more careful." would have been the appropriate response.
Nope, anyone who wants to flip out and start swearing at me over a material item doesn't get an apology.

He saw I was struggling, trying to get the cart over the door threshold and instead of maybe giving the cart a push from his side, he decided to lord over me.

Had he been calm about it I would have said sorry about that. He's lucky I didn't turn around and load everything back in my truck for him to pick up at the station. I'll deal with a lot when it comes to customers being mad, so long as they're not swearing at me.


Well-Known Member
"I'm sorry, sir, I will try to be more careful." would have been the appropriate response.
You have to remember the source. Negative people never accept responsibility for their actions and always look to blame others instead. Typical response from someone of his character, or lack of it.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
You have to remember the source. Negative people never accept responsibility for their actions and always look to blame others instead. Typical response from someone of his character, or lack of it.
I would much rather have someone of @dezguy's character working next to me than someone of your character. I bet I could count on him anytime as opposed to you with your self-centered, me-me attitude.


Well-Known Member
You have to remember the source. Negative people never accept responsibility for their actions and always look to blame others instead. Typical response from someone of his character, or lack of it.
Awwww. Are you still sour you were never able to get a 7.0 review? Ita ok pumpkin. I bet your manager thinks you do an ok job.


Well-Known Member
Awwww. Are you still sour you were never able to get a 7.0 review? Ita ok pumpkin. I bet your manager thinks you do an ok job.
Once again. What is a review? You keep getting 7 and I will keep making more money and have 2 pensions. Self centered? Na Just looking out for me and my family.


Well-Known Member
Once again. What is a review? You keep getting 7 and I will keep making more money and have 2 pensions. Self centered? Na Just looking out for me and my family.
Really, it's ok. FedEx needs some below average couriers. They can't go around giving everyone 7.0 reviews. Nothing wrong with being serviceable.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
We left the bldg an hour late today because of late freight. We were told to straight line. Then at 10:30 a broadcast came out... Ignore Plan A. We must make service. Deliver your P1's by 12:00. Lol.


Well-Known Member
We left the bldg an hour late today because of late freight. We were told to straight line. Then at 10:30 a broadcast came out... Ignore Plan A. We must make service. Deliver your P1's by 12:00. Lol.

They launched so the stuff we had was on time but we could straight line the entire last truck. Left the building from the second sort at 11:15

It's looking like a start to great month of December


nowhere special
We left the bldg an hour late today because of late freight. We were told to straight line. Then at 10:30 a broadcast came out... Ignore Plan A. We must make service. Deliver your P1's by 12:00. Lol.


Staff member
Cyber Monday used to be a thing according to my bro in law. People used to use high speed Internet at work Monday after Thanksgiving for shopping. Now everyone has high speed Internet so cyber Monday is really just marketing .


Well-Known Member
Cyber Monday used to be a thing according to my bro in law. People used to use high speed Internet at work Monday after Thanksgiving for shopping. Now everyone has high speed Internet so cyber Monday is really just marketing .

Well marketing is what gets people to buy, but I get your point. Companies do have specific sales the Monday after thanksgiving weekend though