Personal Loans


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
That's why I drive the beater to ups


Gone Fish'n
I'm actually surprised the company doesn't offer loans.
Think of the benefits:
-the company makes money from the interest and;
-it would further indenture (trap) the employee to the point that he/she could never leave no matter how miserable the working conditions became.
-the company could put a lien on the worldly possessions of the employee HENCE exerting full and complete control.
Much like coal miners scrip stores.
Company Store Scrip - Appalachian History


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. Who knows what their wife does
Every time I get my annual ride I'm sure to talk about the many different properties I own, as well as my wife's bad ass job and how I'm always thinking of changing careers at the drop of a hat. They ain't got no leverage on me!!!

Supervisors gossip like a bunch of old ladies. Word gets around I guarenteee it.
I wanna give a small personal loan to my coworker. A bar of soap, shampoo and some deodorant. Pay me back whenever.

Guy stinks up all of 3rd belt and it lingers and the fans kind of blow it around. Smells like a rotten triple whopper sitting in a bag of gym clothes in a hot car that already stank of trash.

The gross part is he hits on this female coworker who doesn't care but is also gay anyway. It's a disaster.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I wanna give a small personal loan to my coworker. A bar of soap, shampoo and some deodorant. Pay me back whenever.

Guy stinks up all of 3rd belt and it lingers and the fans kind of blow it around. Smells like a rotten triple whopper sitting in a bag of gym clothes in a hot car that already stank of trash.

The gross part is he hits on this female coworker who doesn't care but is also gay anyway. It's a disaster.
Give him some soap. Just don't expect to be paid back.