Is anyone experiencing this in their centers? We have been told that we must make out pickups to be within a 15 minute window +/- of the scheduled pickup time. And if we cannot meet those times, the on-car sup can change them so that we meet the times. When I questioned him about this today, I told him that on my route it is nearly impossible to meet the times that are currently scheduled. He told me to let him know the correct times and he can adjust them. Well it turns out that the current times have been adjusted by him when he was on this route trying to train a new driver. They were changed from the times that the old driver had them for over two years. Now he explains that this is all for customer service and so that the customer will have reliable pickups from us. I tried arguing that this business route sometimes gets so heavy that deliveries go on well after the pickup times he scheduled, and sometimes they can be met. It is a route of about 75% business and 25% resi. Avg. pkg count each day for this route goes from 280 - 350. And it is not all dock stops either. So I tried telling him that the only time the customer cares about is BEFORE they close. He said if I couldn't give him reliable pickup times he would change them for me and then I would be held accountable. Anyone else getting this about pick up times?