Plastic tax


nowhere special


Strength through joy
This thread reminds me of a protest done in Seattle some years back.
The protesters all got into their plastic kayaks to paddle near a floating oil rig on it's way north.


Well-Known Member
But but but...

Americans can’t wash their recycling, so China won’t take it anymore, and we don’t have the machinery here to deal with it.

Add that to the mythical ‘infrastructure’ plan.


Retired 23 years
Aluminum cans and glass bottle recycling has worked
I think it would make for honest work cleaning up all the plastic.
The aluminum can market is drying up also. The auto mfg's and airline industry only want virgin aluminum now and not recycled stuff. They say the price being paid for your recycled aluminum cans will soon drop by at least 30% because of the lack of demand. That should just about kill that market. Nobody has wanted glass for a ling time now and plastic recycling is history. The bottom line is there is no money to be made in the recycle business anymore. We have 5 different local garbage haulers and we are down to only one who will even deal with recycling and they have now added a BIG surcharge if your recycle stuff isn't squeaky clean.


Well-Known Member
The aluminum can market is drying up also. The auto mfg's and airline industry only want virgin aluminum now and not recycled stuff. They say the price being paid for your recycled aluminum cans will soon drop by at least 30% because of the lack of demand. That should just about kill that market. Nobody has wanted glass for a ling time now and plastic recycling is history. The bottom line is there is no money to be made in the recycle business anymore. We have 5 different local garbage haulers and we are down to only one who will even deal with recycling and they have now added a BIG surcharge if your recycle stuff isn't squeaky clean.
You have way too much time on your hands.


Man of Great Wisdom
This thread reminds me of a protest done in Seattle some years back.
The protesters all got into their plastic kayaks to paddle near a floating oil rig on it's way north.
One kayak is different than millions of throw away bottles. You can be against tires piling up in land fills and still drive a car.